Use, the customer touches it: the waitress throws it on the floor – Repubblica TV


Emelia Holdem, 21, just received an order from Vinnie Van Go-Go in Savannah, Georgia, when a man pbaded behind her and stabbed her at the back. "At first I thought it was a joke of a friend because he was very intimate," he explained. "Then I realized that it was one of the local customers." At that time, he did not think for a moment: he caught Ryan Cherwinski, 32, from behind, threw him to the ground and then called the police. The man defended himself by saying that he would only move the girl because he did not go past, but the security camera shot the l & # 39; brought in.

Emelia has received dozens of thank you messages from women on social media and several invitations. "I'm glad I made other girls feel stronger," he says. The product of sudden celebrity, however, Savannah's daughter has invested them in a non-profit badociation for animals, GoFunMe


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