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Afternoon session, Tuesday, July 3, Regional Council devoted to the discussion of many motions

In the afternoon session of Tuesday, July 3, the Regional Council discussed many motions. The contents of the approved documents

Exceptional transports

Since the collapse of the Annone Brianza bridge, it is very difficult to issue authorizations for exceptional overweight loads, as the Lombardy provinces require structural controls on their buildings: from where the demand to promote and introduce the practice of tacit consent in the granting of authorization, as well as the implementation of telematic procedures and one-stop shops, presented by Forza Italia Regional Councilor Gabriele Barucco, first signatory of the motion approved this afternoon unanimously. to the Regional Council. The only part of the text that is not shared by the 5-Star Movement is the one in which the document invites the Regional Council to intervene with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport so that vehicles with a capacity of 108 tonnes are submitted to itineraries. mandatory and identified.
"Uncertainty and slow licensing practices create a strong concern not only among transport companies, but also in the industrial manufacturing sector," said Gabriele Barucco. With this motion, we want to launch a coordination action with local governments to complete cadastre mapping and undertake shared and sustainable interventions to overcome current critical issues. "

An amendment presented by Pietro Bussolati (PD) finally calls for an evaluation of the possibility of allocating additional resources precisely to facilitate and develop this action of monitoring and coordination for cartography of the cadastre

] Census of Roma camps
Establishment of a census on a regional basis which allows to define the number of Roma, Sinti and to walk in regular settlements, to define the number of settlements so to better control their presence on the regional territory, to supervise the compulsory school attendance of minors present in these establishments, to implement policies to obtain the closure of illegal settlements by municipalities and prefects, to launch a survey to understand economic resources used for the management of regular fields.This was requested by the motion approved by the secret vote with 39 votes in favor, 31 against, 1 abstentive and 2 not taking part in the vote, presented by Silvia Sardone (Forza Italy) and on which the regional councilor for security expressed his full agreement Riccardo De Corato. The secret ballot was requested by Maria Rozza (PD), who in her speech highlighted how the city of Milan has already conducted a similar census, listing the numbers and data collected. Let's continue also with an amendment presented by Andrea Monti (Lega), which calls for the closure of irregular settlements, if the municipalities are not a capital, the social and economic impact is divided between the institutions and local institutions present, with the direct participation of ATS, Prefectures and Provveditorato agli Studi

Approval of the Integrated Regional Health Care Plan
Organize and submit urgently to the approval of the Regional Council the Plan of Lombardy Integrated Health, in accordance with the provisions of the current health legislation. This is the commitment contained in the motion approved with 59 votes in favor and 13 abstentions (M5Stelle group), presented by the leader + Europe Michele Usuelli and amended in different parts of the text by the Regional Councilor of Wellbeing Giulio Gallera (Forza Italia) and by Chairman of the Health Committee Emanuele Monti (Lega)
The document stresses that the national health legislation (Legislative Decree No. 502 of 1992) provides that each Region must prepare a regional plan of social health after comparison with the main players in the territory, and that this plan must also be approved by the Regional Council: as Usuelli pointed out, the latest regional health plan approved by the Regional Council is linked to the regional health plan. 2010, while the last National Health Plan has expired where the request to the Regional Council to also act to the Government and National Parliament for approval. the new national health plan. "It is important to reaffirm and respect the role of the Regional Council, which has the task of providing the political guidance that the Council must then implement," said Vice President of the Regional Council, Carlo Borghetti (PD). of a process that must be clear, participatory and respectful of the prerogatives of each. "

Masters with a Master's Degree

No dismissal of primary school teachers without a diploma The Regional Council takes a position on the question which arose after the award of the State Council, which established that the sole possession of the master's degree, although it reached the 2001/2002 academic year, does not constitute a sufficient title to be included in the rankings until the teaching staff is exhausted. unanimously approved two motions, one presented by the Lega (first signatory Simone Giudice) and the other by the Movimento 5 Stelle (first signatory Raffaele Erba), which commits the Junta to act with the competent ministries to solve the problem and thus avoid the critical problems that would be created on the territory with regard to the regular performance of the school year

Finally referred to the Territory Commission for more details s on the motion on the regionalization of navigation lake management presented by the Democratic Party group (first signatory Raffaele Straniero).

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