Varese, envelope with balls at the league. The answer: "We will not stop"


A clear intimidation against the Lega Nord and its policy, one that was recorded in the afternoon of today in Varese [19659002] Before the entrance of the party headquarters, located in piazza del Podestà, was indeed found a letter envelope containing two bullets and a threatening message, as reported by the Commissioner of the section of Varese Andrea Gambini . "The letter of threats was addressed to our party, especially against Salvini and the action of the government" said the commissioner, as reported by "Varesenews". On the spot there was also intervened, for the conclusions of the case, the agents of the Scientific Police and Digos

Gandini nevertheless had us to rebadure the supporters and militants of Carroccio, affirming that nobody the slightest intention to leave intimidate the other intimidating act. A clear reference to the episode of last year, when, again in Piazza del Podestà, was found an envelope with two bullets and a letter in which the authors referred to the question of the Ukraine: the signature was then "Lotta Continua". "

" Those who commit these actions show all their weakness and intimidation violence, which represents the last refuge for those who do not have ideas and therefore are able to than to threaten those who possess it and have the courage to achieve it, as we do, according to democratic rules and for the purpose of the common good " Gambini reiterates with force and pride on the pages of" Il Giorno ".

Monday morning will be presented by the Commissioner a complaint in the offices of the police headquarters of the city.

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