Vassallo murder. Investigation of a rifleman for a murder contest


Investigations reopened

The soldier, now on leave, is already in prison for his dealings with drug traffickers. On June 14, interviewed by Prime Minister Colamonici at the Santa Maria Capua Vetere Military Prison over the murder challenge charge, he availed himself of the right not to respond


10 years after the death of Angelo Vbadallo, the "mayor-fisherman", killed in an ambush. During this long period of time, the family has fought so that the case can not be ruled out. On February 10 – on the occasion of a candlelight in memory of Angelo – the brothers and his son called for the reopening of investigations. But only a few days ago, the turning point came. Indeed, thanks to an exchange of information between the prosecution, the police brigadier, on leave, was prosecuted by Lazzaro Cioffi, imprisoned for several months for alleged relations with a drug dealer in the province of Naples. For Cioffi, the badumption made by the prosecutor of Salerno – as some newspapers report – is competing in the intentional homicide.

Cioffi was implicated in May in an investigation by the Neapolitan prosecutor: in service in Castello di Cisterna (Naples), he is accused of participating in a criminal badociation for revealing news about investigations and his relations with a chief active drug trafficking in the Neapolitan area. Shortly after the arrest of Cioffi, the Prime Minister of Naples Dda Mariella Di Mauro, head of the investigation of drug trafficking, and his colleague of the Prosecutor Salerno Marco Colamonici, head of the investigating the killing of Mayor of Pollica Angelo Vbadallo, they met for an exchange of information on the acquisition of elements useful for the respective investigations.

The name of Cioffi had already appeared in the investigations into the murder of Vbadallo: a witness reported his alleged presence in the area in question. days of the murder, but this circumstance has not been confirmed by investigations. According to this detective – who, in the absence of evidence has been filed in recent years in Salerno – the mayor was killed for his efforts in the fight against drug trafficking on his territory and for having discovered a drug on the coast of Cilento. On June 14, Cioffi was interrogated by Colonel Colamonici at the Santa Maria Capua Vetere military prison in connection with the murder charge: he availed himself of the right not to respond.

The ambush on the evening of September 5, 2010
On the evening of September 5, 2010, at approximately 10:15 pm, as he was driving home from his car, Vbadallo was killed by one or more bombers in the unknown state; Nine 9-caliber bullets were fired at him, seven of which scored. Although the matrix of the attack is currently unknown, the prosecutor Luigi Rocco, in charge of investigations, has speculated that the Camorra had ordered it to punish a representative of the institutions opposed to illegal practices. : The connection could reside in the actions taken by Vbadallo to protect the environment, was seen by the Camorra as an obstacle to the control of the port that would guarantee freedom in illicit drug transactions. On March 25, 2015, Bruno Humberto Damiani is the only person investigated for the murder of Angelo Vbadallo

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