Ventimiglia, an armored center for the event (in the suburbs). At the expense of solidarity with migrants


While over 7000 people cross the streets of Ventimiglia to apply for a European residence permit and the opening of the borders, far away from downtown to "do not disturb traders", at the precise request of institutions, since yesterday afternoon, the road leading from the station to " Hobbit bar " was shielded by police.

Officially to protect the honorary consulate neighbor of France actually hindering the entrance of street shops, among which the bar which, since 2015, became a stopping point and refreshment for ] migrants in transit . The restaurant of Delia Bonuomo is one of the few, in the border town, which not only allows migrants to enter, but also allows them to stop drinking a glbad of wine. water, going many times to offer food to "who I see to be in objective conditions of difficulty, here come people who do not eat for days, and I can recognize the suffering in the eyes."

A bar of solidarity who has lost a lot of regular customers in recent years, and today he hoped in the pbadage of so many supporters directed to the event, while if the situation does not unlock, he risked to lose the work of the day, as was the case yesterday.

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