Verona, former pastor marries the companion in Spain


VERONA – He is married to Gran Canaria with his longtime partner. This is the story of Don Giuliano Costalunga, who after ten years has realized his dream: he is married in April on the Spanish island with his companion Pablo. In the diocese of Verona, Costalunga is still a priest, not reduced to the lay state, but this circumstance has been denied by the lawyer.

Serving Selva di Progno, on the Lessini Mountains, from 2007 until a few years ago, Costalunga then turned away from Veronese, and in April he married Pablo. The emotional connection between the two lasted a decade, and the final took place with the celebration of their union. The ceremony was held on the island of Gran Canaria, with the participation of parents and friends.

For the Bishop of Verona, Mgr. Giuseppe Zenti, Giuliano would still be "don", he would not have asked the so-called "reduction to the lay state". A decision that can be requested by the person concerned, to be relieved of the obligations of the sacrament, or that can be taken care of by the ecclesiastical authority. The bishop announced Thursday that he would go to the parish church of the small mountain village next Thursday to bring solace to the faithful: "They need to be rebadured – these are the declarations from the bishop – to understand: it's a shock for everyone.I have to take them by the hand. "

Costalunga's lawyer, Alex Dal Cero, then replied that "The choice to marry was acquired by Mr. Costalunga as a free citizen" and "only after formally wanting to lose the clerical state". According to his lawyer, the man has already moved to the secular state. "It is important to emphasize, in fact – declares Dal Cero – that Costalunga with a registered letter of February 8, 2018 addressed to His Excellency Giuseppe Zenti communicated the decision to dispose of the Presbyteral Ministry". For the lawyer Therefore, the statements referring to His Excellency do not correspond to the truth, according to which Costalunga "never asked to be relieved from the ministry and so is still a priest".

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