Via D & # 39; Amelio, this pact between the mafia and diverted institutions: "The most serious diversion from history"


The mystery of the death of Paolo Borsellino becomes even more attentive to what happened after the mbadacre of Amelio Street. The disappearance of the red agenda (where probably the magistrate had noted badumptions and suspicions about the attack on Giovanni Falcone and the mafia conspiracies that had planned and implemented) and subsequent statements False repentants educated by the police, are connected and constitute one of the most serious pages of the Italian judicial history. This must have a motive, perhaps related to the bombs that exploded between 1992 and 1993, the season of Mafia terrorism

Thus, they wrote the judges of the Assize Court of Caltanissetta which has decreed two sentences in April 2017 imprisonment for life in the fourth trial of the mbadacre of July 19, 1992 and two others for slander. Do some justice to the distortions that occurred in previous judgments, when they were found guilty of innocent because of the wrong direction. Twenty-six years after the mbadacre, and after ten investigations started with the statements of the late Gaspare Spatuzza who admitted his participation in the attack by disavowing the previous reconstructions, the first time that a decision certifies the making of false evidence and dissimulation (at least partial) of the truth in the investigations of the 90s

the story of the false repentance of Vincenzo Scarantino, a small criminal emphasizing the rank of the patrons who contribute to a minimalist reconstruction circumscribing the culprits to a core of gangsters (some of whom are innocent). Supported by some police officers who not only picked up the first statements, but then helped to confirm and correct them to make them credible in later debates. Despite the contradictions and anomalies detected by prosecutors such as Ilda Boccbadini and Roberto Saieva. A complex conspiracy – now notes the court of badizes – who can also deceive the judges of the first two trials

The link between the two main moments of the plot – the disappearance of 39; red agenda, no doubt subtracted immediately after the bomb blast by unknown hands, and the lies of Scarantino – for the last judges Arnaldo The Barbarian, expert and respected investigator who at the time led the Palermo mobile team and later climb many stages until becoming a Rome police chief and responsible for the anti-terrorism. The judges emphasize its fundamental role in the construction of false collaborations with the justice, and they consider it intensely involved in the disappearance of the agenda. However, La Barbera, who died in 2002, has never been able to defend herself against suspicions and accusations that occurred only after her untimely death.

Investigations into the responsibilities and motive of the mishap do not stop and last week the Caltanissetta prosecutor 's office asked for the indictment of three police officers who participated in it. investigation moving under the orders of La Barbera: Mario Bo (position already archived and reopened), Fabrizio Mattei and Michele Ribaudo. And the Assize Court notes that further investigations can not be separated from the real purpose of the elimination of Borsellino (historical enemy of Cosa Nostra, who would have decided to execute the sentence of death only after investigations with important people in the economic and political world, as a repentant regarded as Nino Giuffr) and the dramatic confidences of the same Borsellino to his wife Agnese: The day before dying, Paul m & # He said it would not be the mafia to kill him, but it would be his colleagues and others for it to happen to us; He previously told me that "there was a conversation between the mafia and the infidel parties of the state".

So we come back to the heart of the matter: the contacts between the crimes and the institutions that are also seen in light of this decision, for a hypothetical pact of concealment and mutual coverage. The mafia kills Borsellino for revenge and for what can be discovered after Falcone's death, inside and outside of Cosa Nostra; then comes someone who removes the tracks of his suspects (the red newspaper) and works to close the circle on the bosses (some of whom are identified at the table), with the aim of minimizing the damage. For everyone.

July 1, 2018 | 20:00


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