Vice-Captain Gaetano Mura irritated the leaders of the M5 group (and the real navigators)


  andrea mura skipper m5s

The M5s deputy Andrea Mura, professional sailor, inaugurates the figure of the testimony . Only once in Rome during the week and, for the rest of the time, "does politics on the boat" as he admitted in a long interview with the newspaper La Nuova Sardegna in which he responds to the colleague of FI Ugo Cappellacci who accuses him of absenteeism. "Political activity does not happen only in Parliament", Mura was justified and then said: "I said it from the beginning, even during the election campaign, that my role more than that of a parliamentarian would be C was a testimony to the defense of the oceans, on the other hand, there are many parliamentarians who go to the House and spend time taking pictures. selfies in clbad. "" No, says submarine, I have other things to do. "19659004] Walls based on OpenPaint data reported by La Nuova were 96% missing but for the moment does not waive the compensation of about 20,000 euros. "It is likely," announces the skipper lent to the policy, "that this money ends up in the established microcredit fund by the M5, I think … "And meanwhile he describes his days in preparation for Rum Road the regatta, scheduled for November, which com Every four years from France to reach the Caribbean

"I get up at 5 am and rush to prepare the boat from 10 to 13 in the office of Cagliari for work as a deputy, lunch at 14h and 16h at the office to answer emails, then gym from 19h to 21h.

In the House – he reiterates – only once a week to participate in the Transportation Committee. "I understand disbelief," concedes Mura, "but I said from the beginning that I did not want to be a parliamentarian but save the oceans of plastic. The Movement knew very well what my role would be and totally supported my battle. 19659007] Group Leader M5s: "If you prefer to sail, you resign"

"Playing the role of parliamentarian is a privilege, a service rendered to the country and to the citizens, yet very well paid.This is a task which asks for a daily commitment.If 5-star Movement MP Andrea Mura believes that he wants to continue to focus primarily on other activities, neglecting the mandate that the citizens have badigned him to the House, he There is only one way to do it: to submit his resignation as a parliamentarian.Our goal is to give concrete solutions to the problems of the citizens, to do this, we need a constant and cautious commitment ". Meanwhile, in a joint note, they wrote the leaders of the M5S group in the House and Senate Francesco D & Uva and Stefano Patuanelli

The other Mura, the browser: "The oceans are not saved by the bad example "

But the case did not even please the world of sailing:" I regret, among other things, that this episode can dirty the world of sailing and sport composed of many serious and valuable people ". The Sardinian sailor Gaetano Mura comments on the interview in which his "colleague" and colleague Mace M5S Andrea Mura justifies the high number of absences in Parliament: the skipper explained that he wanted to be a witness to save the oceans of plastic and emphasizing that political activity does not just happen in parliament.

"The politician and the sportsman must never forget the power of communication and visibility in their hands," observes Gaetano Mura. "They must be careful not to convey the idea that we can not honor and ignore the commitment made with the citizens."

"I avoid, as I have done in the past, to me to express quantum way it is clear that he is commenting," says the navigator. "But I can not act on a topic that is very expensive: the pollution caused by plastic in the seas and oceans.The problem of plastic is so serious that it would urgently require the The attention of the world political clbad to a real fashion: all speak of plastic but in generic terms and too interested in exploiting the opportunity of the greedy media. "

" The oceans are not saved, nor even invent systems that cost millions and millions of euros for spot, episodic, non-resolutive interventions, "explains Gaetano Mura. "The oceans can be saved, even if there is time, consume less and avoid polluting, but this is done by changing and stimulating to change the negative behavior for the environment, and then we need good laws. he enjoys being honored by the parliamentary mandate and helps in the approval of the rules. "

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