Vicenza, fired from the terrace and injured the immigrant: reported


VICENZA – He fired a shot from the terrace of the house. And he injured a worker who was working on a scaffold. The episode told by the Giornale di Vicenza took place yesterday in Cbadola, in the Vicenza region. The affected man, of Cape Verdean origin, works for an electrical installations company. He was about 7 feet tall, on the treadmill, when he heard a blow and felt a pain in his back, which began to bleed, and was taken to San Bbadiano Hospital. The dynamics of the episode recalls the one that caused the injury of the nomadic girl in Rome, which caused the indignation of the head of state Sergio Mattarella: "Italy does not can not look like a Wild West, that's barbarism ".

The carabinieri returned to the point of fire, the terrace of a private house where we found a lead bullet. Ammunition and a rifle were found in the house, from which the blow that injured the worker began. The shooter has been reported for aggravated personal injury and dangerous explosions. The suspect allegedly wanted to shoot a pigeon. In the apartment there would be no evidence suggesting that behind his gesture there are racist motivations.

However, the episode is only the last of a series: they are different from Forli to Caserta immigrants hit the streets with compressed air weapons. From Caserta, where two Malian boys were injured by a group with the cry "Salvini, Salvini", at the similar episode of Latina, with two strangers struck while waiting for the bus to stop.

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