Viminal, more rigor on the right to asylum License for fake refugees


" Pregnant women and children, fleeing war, remain in Italy. What I want is a compression of fake permits for fake refugees, who have to return home. "Thus, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, rejected the critics who have invested the circular sent to the prefects and the commissions for the good asylum and to the presidents of the territorial sections for the recognition of the humanitarian protection inviting them" to to evaluate with the utmost rigor and scrupulous the questions

The Minister highlights the various situations that have hitherto led to protection. And he also cites "the state of health, maternity, the minor age, the tragic personal experience, the adventures of the trip, the permanence in Libya" and "the instrument of 39, gratifying integration ". Hence the accusations of wanting to drive women and children. And denial. Concerned by the circular, the Director of the Cir (Council of Refugees) Mario Morcone: "It risks to condemn to marginality also those who entered our country with a contract and conduct respectful of the law".

But Salvini goes to the end. Announcement to allocate 42 million euros to repatriation home. It strengthens the axis with Libya: the Viminale receives the number two of the Presidential Council, Ahmed Maitig. And he is working to transfer 17 other vehicles, after 12 data to the Libyan Navy. In Innsbruck, on Wednesday, he will see German colleague Horst Seehofer and, he announces, "before the summit, there will be a meeting of three Italy, Germany and Austria". The Big Koalition concluded yesterday the agreement on migrants and Seehofer wants to negotiate with Italy the postponement of the refugees entered Germany.

What will he say? "We will come out of love and we will agree", promises Salvini. But "before accepting only one asylum seeker from other European countries – he says – we want to have commitments on men, means and money to protect the external borders of the EU and we are waiting for the others to recover the tens of thousands they should already have had with the relocations.We are creditors of 32 thousand people. "

5 July 2018 | 22:59


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