Violence against women, green light from the Council of Ministers to the "Red Code"


Complaints will have a preferential way on cases of violence against women and investigations will be faster than other procedures. The Council of Ministers has indeed approved the "Red code", the bill signed by Alfonso justice ministers Bonafede and the Giulia Public Administration Hello. The text provides that complaints will be brought directly before the prosecutor, who will hear the woman within three days.

The crimes included in the bill are: badual violence; bad treatments; acts of persecution (ie, criminal harbadment); aggravated injuries when committed in a domestic environment or in a cohabiting relationship. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and ministers wore a red ribbon at the government meeting in Palazzo Chigi. A symbolic choice of proximity to women victims of violence, in the Cdm which has just approved the Red Code.

Bonafede: "Fast time in front of a woman's complaint" – According to the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, the bill introduces "quick turnaround time in case of a woman's complaint". The law also imposes the need to act for the training of law enforcement forces in order to increase their professional skills. a decree for the content that these courses must have for the application of the law ".

Bongiorno: "I hope the red code will be shared" – The Minister of Public Administration, Giulia Bongiorno, co-signatory of the draft law on the Red Code, explained: "Some things are going well only when there is collaboration and sharing: I hope that we can also find out about it.I hope that there will be this sharing, with this bill, somebody will realize that women can not be mbadacred while awaiting trial ".

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