Violence of women: arrives in the Cdm & # 39; Red Code & # 39; – Chronicle


"Red Code" comes against violence against women, a bill that provides for the reduction of time for judicial proceedings in case of rape. This was announced by Facebook by Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio, announcing the Cabinet Ministers' review of the provision drafted by Ministers Bonafede and Bongiorno, inspired by the work of Michelle Hunziker's "Double Defense" and from Minister Bongiorno. The complaint will go directly to the prosecutor who will have the obligation to hear the woman victim of violence within 3 days. Just as the judicial police will have to give the highest priority to investigations. "This provision – he said – must also have another function: prevention.Then I make a call: denounce! Do not be afraid, the state is stronger than any violence you have suffered and he is now at your side, by all means his provision. " Di Maio points out that the figures on violence against women "boil the blood in the veins". 150: annual average of femicides completed during a year while there were more than 2,000 final convictions for rape and 1,827 for harbadment.

Faced with the repetition of murders and ill-treatment, the government announced the launch of a provision providing for a faster justice in the day for the elimination of violence against women. "In agreement with Ministers Bonafede and Bongiorno on Tuesday, we will approve the" Red Code "in the Council of Ministers, we will propose an accelerated treatment of complaints, we will impose faster investigations", announced the Prime Minister. Giuseppe Conte.

Statistics – reminds the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede – talk about "150 feminicides a year, killings in family contexts, at the hands of husbands or partners, ex-family members or others.The sentences show us that out of the total convictions for murder of women, 85% are clbadifiable as femicide, because they took place in the family or in unsatisfactory sentimental relationships. In 2017, 2,018 final judgments were rendered for badual violence, 1,827 for criminal harbadment ". Women often do not have the courage to speak and, when they do, they find that response times are insufficient. With the bill on the red code, complaints of abuse, badual violence, persecution and serious injuries in the family or cohabitation will be forwarded directly to the prosecutor who will hear the woman within three days. And the judicial police will have to give priority to investigations.

Unlike other judicial measures, this does not seem likely to create friction between government allies. The "Red Code to give top priority to the review of reports of women victims of violence, threats or harbadment is my commitment, I'll go to the end," tweets the minister of the Inside, Matteo Salvini.

Some doubts come from the Democratic Party, which highlights some contradictions. "I am very worried because I see signs of recoil in these first steps of the government: there would be no mortal sin more important than this one," said Marco Minniti. Dario Stefàno points to these "shadow zones" consisting of "cuts in anti-violence centers, the abandonment of school routes for gender equality, the lack of interest in the implementation of of the norm for orphan femicide ". "The red code is already there, it is not new – adds Cosimo Ferri – it is serious to go back and reduce the funds allocated to the national plan to fight against trafficking and the fund for l '. equal opportunities".



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