Virginia Raggi and bribes the honest: for the mayor to complete the warrant would be a miracle


  Virginia Raggi and bribes the honest: for the mayor to end the term would be a miracle
Virginia Raggi

"Already animate at the end of this term will be a great success. " Virginia Raggi announcing that she would never, once again, be appointed to the leadership of the Municipality of Rome, was an easy prophet. Because there is much, today, to say that seeing mayor grillina arrive at the end of the council in 2021 will really be a miracle.

After the case of Raffaele Marra, the former right-hand man arrested in December 2016 for corruption with "real estate investor Sergio Scarpellini, after charging for the fake of the same Ray for the appointment of the brother from Marra, the investigation by the prosecutor and the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the capital on the stadium of Rome in Tor di Valle again invests the Five Stars. With the risk of earthquake an increasingly weak junta, weakened by disappointing electoral results (the effect "Rays" caused a hemorrhage of consensus in the two Roman municipalities where it was voted two Sundays) and the lack of results of the Eternal City, that even the most orthodox sympathizers do not hesitate to describe as "in disarray"

. This time, the judicial tsunami strikes not only the pentastellated enclave that leads the capital, but – politically – also the leaders of the national movement. Already Paolo Ferrara wanted for corruption, is the leader of the Five Stars of Campidoglio and Praetorian Rays, but especially the lawyer Luca Lanzalone, the president of Acea placed under house arrest for alleged corruption entrepreneurial relations Luca Parnasi, not only the mayor-shadow of Virginia for a year and a half, was also chosen as the "caretaker" of the mayor by the ninety pieces of the Movement.

 luca parnasi

The builder was in trouble for the Rome stadium had good relations with everyone (except with Caltagirone). Here are his networks of friends

An "extraordinary commissioner" identified first by the new Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, who in January 2017 reported it to Casaleggio as Mr. Wolf who would solve the problems of the orphan his right arm (
Marra was arrested for corruption at the end of 2016
); but then supported without ifs and also by Riccardo Fraccaro, today head of the Dicastery for Relations with the Parliament and "Direct Democracy" and by Luigi Di Maio, still the main sponsor of Virginia and enchanted by professional skills from Lanzalone: ​​It was Gigi and Davide Casaleggio who gave the final approval for the lawyer – as a mere consultant – to be promoted to the head of the most important Roman company

"Whoever is wrong will pay, "Virginia repeats, not making the same mistake. A few months ago, when he was walking in front of the cameras, his former deputy chief of staff, Marra, ended up in Rebibbia, which she had herself promoted two months earlier to the head of the staff of Campidoglio, "only one of the 23 thousand employees of the municipality."

Even now, however, the mayor admits that she may have made some mistakes: if the judicial events In fact, it is a fact that – again – the rays gave unconditional confidence to those who probably did not deserve it . Put the city of Rome in the hands of a lawyer in Genoa who according to the deputy prosecutor Paolo Ielo was not in charge of the public interests of the capital, but a criminal badociation headed by the manufacturer Parnasi, whose Lanzalone would receive around 100 thousand euros between the utility and the board in exchange for a quick process for the go ahead at the Tor Di Valle stadium project.

It is clear that Lanzalone, like Marra, is not any employee. But a lawyer who, over the past year and a half, has taken the huge Capitol to Capitol Hill. First as mediator of the stadium case, then mayor's official advisor (and nemesis of the councilor of the urbanism Paolo Berdini, the architect defined it in a book "the mayor of the city "), the lawyer came from Liguria was vigorously defended by the Rays for months. Even in the face of opposition attacks, who asked what role had a stranger played in the delicate situation of the arena of Rome?


The mayor of Rome was displaced by the decision of the city council to name a street in the capital to the secretary of Msi Giorgio Almirante. And on Facebook airs the interview of Bruno Vespa in which he says that he will do, by writing exactly the opposite

At the end of 2017, obtained by the pentastellata traction city council the green light at project dear to Beppe Grillo ("will be a stadium made with criteria that these parties have never seen, and it will have to occupy a builder and not a building", explained the guarantor of the M5S, Lanzalone quotes go up to the stars.The Lawyer lent to the cause of the Five Stars is not only promoted number one of the versatility of water and energy, but becomes a favored counselor of Rays for matters of all. Orders and all ranks.

From Atac to He likes, internal appointments to strategies on affiliates . Very close to the Assessor to the Budget Gianni Lemmetti (the couple had worked together in Livorno by successfully performing the arrangement prev Energetic to save the local waste company), Lanzalone has ever closer relations with Bonafede (he is the first to take him to the Grillo and Casaleggio courts in 2016, when he asked the Tuscan to become a hunter heads and find managers for the disastrous waste company), with Stefano Buffagni, the "Luca Lotti" of the movement, and especially with Di Maio, newspaper as a possible successor of Claudio Costamagna to the Cbada Depositi e Prestiti

"The one who made a mistake will pay", repeats the rays like a mantra, as if she had not delivered the keys to Acea and the most sensitive files in Lanzalone of the municipality. Impbadive face the conditions of the city (from the holes to the buses which catch fire, garbage to the cares of the green, contracts not attributed to the promises, interminable, not maintained, the answer of Virginia is always the same:, you will see the results in a while "), the stadium investigation is another staff station Via Crucis Mayor. A shame and a paradox, for those who did not want the Olympics because they feared the corruption of the "old potentates we want to defeat", but the stage investigation is perhaps Not the last stage of his parable It is unlikely that the leaders of the Movement will push him to the top, as soon as they arrive at the government of the country and aware that a reversal on the Campidoglio is likely to be a very hard blow for the party.

who at Casaleggio Associati marked in red on the calendar:
the beginning of the process for fake rays
, which should begin on June 21
before the single judge. The prosecutor of Rome sent the mayor on trial last September, for falsifying anti-corruption leaders: after the announcement of Raffaele Cantone's Anac – in front of Renato Marra's promotion, Raffaele's brother, Chief of the Department of Tourism – the obvious risk of a conflict of interest, Virginia to protect her adviser explained that it was she, not Raffaele, who autonomously decided the salary (and the quarry) of the Renato commune.

A sesquipedale ball, denied by the conversations found by the prosecutors of Rome in the chat on Telegram between Raggi and Marra: "Raffaele, this salary thing makes me difficult, you had to tell me," wrote the first citizen, who he had read in the newspaper details about the increase in Renato's salary, which he completely ignored. If the lie is a crime or not, the judges will decide it. But if Virginia were sentenced to the first degree, with the immediate rite, her junta would be in danger of leaping. According to the Five Stars Code of Conduct, Virginia should be fired instantly. "He did not do it," said Fraccaro himself, who is also a member of the board of probiviri "on the shelves and his junta would remove the symbol of movement."

I wonder if now Beppe Grillo has repented. Rethinking when, the day after the arrest of Councilor Marra, he decided to publish on his blog a post in which he gave the definitive census to the mayor who had worked in the US. Cesare Previti study. The comedian read the sincere text to all the leaders of the Movement, but in the end Davide Casaleggio strongly advised him to postpone. And to be patient: "You will see, we will commissariamo with the best men, he will recover", they told him. A month later, Lanzalone made his triumphant entry as savior of his country.

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