Vittorio Feltri: "Milan is a nursery of fagots, I do not call them homosexual, homosexual, crazy or ricochioni"


" Homobaduals ? I can not understand who and how their rights are threatened. Milan is a nursery of fennel . "These are the unpleasant words uttered at The Aria Che Tira Estate (La7) by the editor of Libero, Vittorio Feltri which defines the Pd "a rough copy of the Radical Party " and increases: "I can not call them " gay " because I do not like to speak English on TV. When it says 'Gay Pride & # 39; is really ridiculous. And I do not call them "homobaduals" because it's a medical term and I'm not even a nurse. I call them "ricchioni" or "froci", as normal people do. "I am outrageous words with regard to which I distanced myself," comments the conductor Francesco Magnani who replies to the publicity, among the protests from Felt himself. The editor-in-chief of Libero also comments on the statements made yesterday by Salvini to Pontida ("We shall rule 30 years"): "The substantial difference between Lega and M5s is the administrative capacity.The League has demonstrated with the facts that it has very valid administrators.Just think of Zaia who drove Veneto in exemplary fashion for many years. region of Lombardy is a symbol of the League's ability to administer wisely.Now there is Fontana who is a super administrator.So what will happen in 30 years I'm really crazy, because I have 75 years old .In 30 years, I'll be 105 years old, so do what you want "

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