Volley, Zaytsev vaccinates his daughter: insults and curses of no vax


MODENA Ivan Zaytsev, champion of the Italian National Volleyball Team, in the hate viewer no vax for having published a photo with his newly vaccinated daughter Sienna. On the social networks, the player who just won a historic championship in Perugia, before moving to Modena Volley, received insults and anathemas chilling.

"And also meningococcal is done, very well my girlfriend," wrote the tsar, whose nickname is known blue silver medalists at Rio 2016.

"Dear Zaytsev, think about playing volleyball, thousands of children have died because of vaccines or have survived badly damaged" wrote the first accusers, but the following in the comments is even worse. "Zingaro, I hope that Salvini will send you back to your country", "I wish you the child smile if tomorrow and always.Sometimes the smile goes off slowly". Some of the most ferocious messages were canceled by the sportsman, 29 years old.

Stefano Bonaccini, the governor of Emilia-Romagna, expressed his solidarity: "Ivan Zaytsev, leader of the Italian national team, is hugging: not only welcome, but to Modena and Emilia- Romagna we are honored to welcome and have among us a champion as little and a decent person as him, and all his family, to welcome them to a city and region where the values ​​of cohabitation is solid and certainly not represented by those who wrote absurd and unacceptable sentences, but involving a small child: even cowards! And this only because a father vaccinated his daughter.Au "Tsar" I also say thank you, for a gesture that is social and collective responsibility as that of vaccination ".

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