Vueling, Hell, July 21 Strike by Flight Attendants


Usb Lavoro Privato went on a strike in 24 hours flight attendants of Vueling Airlines on July 21, which throws a lot of travelers into panic, at the base there would be failed bargaining that implied the company and workers

Wages 30% lower than those of Vueling's competitors, these are the reasons that led to a union meeting between companies and workers. In addition to retouching the hours of work, to allow them to fully comply with the legislation on rest. Negotiations, however, failed and this led to the decision of Usb Private Work, Union Union of Base, to call a strike for July 21 which will involve all Vueling flight attendants. The union states in a note: " This strike therefore raises the issue of an insufficient contract with wages of 30% below the low-cost competitors and a normative part with the rest system, in some cases unlike to the predictions of the law, but also for the lack of respect for trade union representation, freely chosen by the workers "

Usb Labor Private still continues, criticizing the lack of attention of our country in the protection of workers of this type: Raises especially, for the umpteenth time, the fact that in our country there is no system of general rules which obliges the airlines to refer to the CNLC and that this must be the valid and applicable basis for all carriers. it is possible for any operator to operate the national market with any contract or company settlement, sometimes approved by the unions available to exceptions with respect to general legislation. We expect the government to take a hard blow at this situation, which is no longer sustainable . "

There are several reasons that will lead to the blockage of Vueling's transport on July 21. Only a few days ago, the company's success, which had reached 6 million pbadengers carried.

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