War Games in Norway and Moscow provoke NATO – World


Russia plays its war games and provokes NATO: a Russian strategic bomber flew over the USS Mount Whitney, flagship of the NATO fleet, in front of the Norwegian coast, where takes place the most impressive Exercise of the Atlantic Alliance of the Cold War. The images, taken by the journalists aboard the ship, show a Tu-142 hissing a short distance from the US-controlled ship. Interfax then reports with great evidence two other Tupolevs, armed with anti-submarine weapons, that "yesterday" have "completed the reconnaissance mission" in international waters in front of Norway.

Meanwhile, Italy is in the spotlight in Norway: the tricolor soldiers are spearheading NATO's rapid reaction force, which has chosen the icy mountains of the country's center to test the capabilities of the Alliance military forces.

"We are here with the pride of the Italians," General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, commander of the Armored Brigade "132 / a" Ariete, told ANSA. "We want to show that we are able to carry out our tasks and to achieve what the Alliance is asking of us, with the enthusiasm of those facing an enemy with probably superior capabilities. "

In these war games, "the defensive device has been severely tested by US Navy and Canadian Forces operations, and in the evening we hope to go on the offensive and contribute to the restoration of the Canadian Forces. Norway's territorial integrity, "said the senior military officer at the forward tactical command post in the Lesja region, dominated by snow-capped peaks and covered with snow and ice.

"I would like to stress – emphasizes Ristuccia – that this exercise is not directed against a specific enemy, but only for the purpose of demonstrating our ability to take sides on very short notice and especially to demonstrate that the Alliance is a defensive organization charged with proving to anyone who intends to threaten us that we are ready to defend the borders of the nations that are part of it ".

And the Italians are doing their job very well: nowadays, the commander of US Naval Forces in Europe and Africa and the NATO Joint Command in Naples, Admiral James Foggo, have publicly congratulated – to several times – the Italian forces. And right from the USS Mount Whitney, the admiral coordinates the entire exercise.

At this point, "Trident Juncture 18" plans, starting tomorrow, the counter-offensive of the Italian and Spanish forces, last act of the exercise. In Lejia, the Bersaglieri are responsible for the mobile command, supported by a much larger base and placed in a defensive zone that sometimes seems invulnerable.

In operational command, we are confronted with all kinds of threats, from the most clbadic to the new generations, such as the so-called cyber war, the computer warfare by hackers that some countries, China in the forefront, have described as real & # 39; fighting divisions. Tomorrow, the scene of attack will be the city of Alvdal: with Aries, the paratroopers of Folgore will be deployed.

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