Waste Holes Beppe Grillo ends up being overwhelmed by Rays effect


"Roma Capital was rewarded for the new model of separate collection of waste" . And again, on the conditions of the surface of the road: "Not even a hole" . Beppe Grillo takes on the field to support the mayor of the M5, but the reality, different from the story told by the Genoese comedian, has silenced him. With the unflattering comments of the network. Thus, the Rays effect, between a fundamental inactivity and a few timid steps toward the promised change, also overwhelms the leader.

First praise, via social, on waste, after the price Conai received from Campidoglio for separate collection began in three quarters of the same number of municipalities in the capital. "This is an important recognition – wrote the comic chef on Fb – these guys put all this in and slowly you see the difference, read and spread as much as you can" . But the web does not forgive. And those who live in Rome dismount the comment after the comment. For it is true that a new model of separation and garbage collection was recently launched, with smart "smart" bags, at Ghetto (I Municipio) in Axa (X municipality ) and Fontana Candida (VI City Hall), we are talking about a few hundred hit users. It will become 72 thousand in the summer, guaranteed Ama. A quantity however residual compared to a whole city in difficulty with nearly 3 million inhabitants. According to data provided by Legambiente that differentiated increased by 1.5%, from 42.8 to 44.3 in one year. If the pace does not increase, it will be difficult to reach the 70% promised by Virginia Raggi. The Romans know it very well.

The Legambiente Report on Differentiation

"Rome so dirty that I have never seen it, could save this news" or "in the suburbs where we live in a dung" and again "Rome is simply inundated with waste" "go to to make fun of somebody else" . And the general tenor of those who say his under the enthusiastic post of Grillo. That even on the holes takes the patch. Driving a car, and picked up with a pbadenger's cell phone, "dare" to say that the road is as smooth as a pool table. "Not even a hole, not even a hole " repeats proudly. The comedian, however, forgets to state that he covers for most of the trip a portion of the A24, which is not the Capitol's responsibility. And that with craters, bumps and roots coming out of concrete coexists every day, does not fail to point out.

"Look, when you mentioned the sentence, no holes, the cameraman looked like a tabadà". And again: "There are in the foolish suburbs, the streets of T or Bella Monaca and surroundings seem Belgrade after the war" or "but ashamed, try to make a tour Via Aurelia, we risk our lives every day " And apart from a generic endorsement of the type " genius goes from the front " especially the network that Beppe is so expensive that he answered for rhymes.

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