"We are all Roma", the anti-racist appeal against Salvini's proposed census of 30 European organizations


ROMA – "We are clear – we read in a document published by the European Anti-Racist European Movement (EGAM) founded in 2010 in Paris following the racist attacks in Rosarno, in the south of Italy – The announcement of the ethnic census of the Roma by the Interior Minister and leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, is not a mere provocation.It's the announcement of the
Salvini and the Lega are not marginal subversive anti-systems In opposition, they have become far-right political leaders at the heart of power, and do not to consider them as such – the document goes on – and not to take them seriously would be a grave mistake, they are dangerous – Italy and elsewhere in Europe, to mobilize and resist this criminal policy, so that they know that s & # 39; They are trying to carry out this illegal ethnic census, we will declare all Roma, We will ask all Italians to declare themselves to be Roma ".

The threat is for everyone. "Faced with racism against Roma – EGAM's note continues, which aims to respond to the increase in racism, anti-Semitism and populism in Europe and to structure Equal Civil Society Engagement and Justice – Saying Solidarity: We Are All Roma! We Are All Roma Because We Are Human Because When A Group Of Humans Is Persecuted for what it is, the whole population must feel threatened. It is the principles of liberty, justice and equality that we regard as threatened. "

The intention of An ethnic cleansing "We are all Roma – we re-read in the widespread document – because we do not forget the discrimination and stigma that led to the extermination during the Holocaust, Salvini and the League want this ethnic census and therefore a new e "ethnic cleansing". All must mobilize so that these persecutions, which marked the European civilization with the mark of infamy, the moral, political and economic ruin of Italy and Europe, never happen again . We are all Rom because life is a supreme value for us. While Salvini and the Lega want, in all clarity and therefore responsibility, to leave thousands of people in danger in the Mediterranean.

The increase of violence. "The call for violence against Roma in Italy – says EGAM – echo the growth of the facts of violence of which they are still today victims everywhere on the European continent: racist crimes and destruction of their homes in Ukraine, suspension of rights and brutal expulsions in the Czech Republic, discrimination and threats in Hungary, verbal violence and the destruction of camps in many countries of Western Europe. Every year since 2011, we meet again on the first Sunday of October in Europe for "Roma Pride", for the respect of freedom, equality and dignity of Roma and all Europeans. This year it seemed natural to organize it in Rome, a few hundred meters from Salvini's offices, we are launching a call for the organization of a European event for the Rome Pride in October. And that's because the racists of the League know that they will not be able to put their criminal policy into practice with impunity. "

What is EGAM .It is an organization that brings together the most important anti-racist aggregations of more than 30 countries in Europe, at the same time. 39 Inside and outside the European Union Dozens of organizations have joined and continue to support EGAM in its struggles – these badociations represent 1,000 managers and thousands of activists EGAM's management team is located in Paris and the EGAM strategy focuses on three main types of activities: the basic actions at European level, the activities of [19459008lobbying addressed to the European institutions and support for the leaders of anti-racist civil society.

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