we pay 600 euros more than the Europeans


Fiscal peace, who knows, should happen. Then, according to government announcements, this will be the moment of the flat tax. However, Italians continue to pay bills tax. And they do it much more than other European citizens. Compared to the EU average, in 2017, every Italian (even newborns) paid about 598 euros more than collector. Not a lot.

This figure comes from a study published by the Cgia di Mestre consultancy that compared tax burden last year in the main European countries and subsequently calculated the per capita tax gap between Italians and citizens of the main EU countries.

Results? Only France, Belgium and Sweden paid more than the EU average of 1,765, 1,196 and 712 euros respectively. All the others (with the exception of Austria with which we are in the same tax system) recorded a lower tax burden than Italy. And that allowed, to say, to every citizen German save 541 euros compared to Italians, 996 to the Dutch, 1,964 to the British and 2,164 euros to the Spaniards.

"While waiting for the reduction of the tax weightThrough the extension to all taxpayers of the application of the flat tax, we run the risk that local taxes will increase again in 2019. In fact, the maneuver has not confirmed the blockages territorial taxes introduced in 2015; It is therefore likely that mayors and governors will revise upward the additional taxes on income and rates of IRAP, UMI and Tasi on second homes and warehouses. If this happened, it would be a real disaster for families and businesses, "said study coordinator Paolo Zabeo.

the CIMB He also explains that the figure of the Italian tax burden for 2017 does not take into account the effect of the "Renzi Bonus". Indeed, last year, the 80 euros granted to employees with low-average wages cost the state coffers 9.5 billion euros. This latter amount has been recorded in the public administration budget as an additional expense. If the tax burden is recalculated by incorporating this gift (which is however accounted for in the expenditure and not in the revenue of the state budget), the tax burden drops to 41.6%.

"With a lot of tax and with an audience of services provided by the public that has declined in both quality and quantity in recent years – Cgia's secretary, Renato Mason, points out – consumption and investments have been sacrificed. In addition, it has become increasingly difficult to do business, create jobs and redistribute wealth. The decline in household consumption, especially for small and very small businesses, has created many financial problems, forcing many VAT numbers to close down. "

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