"We will rule for the next 30 years"


"The comrades will resign themselves: Italy we will rule for the next 30 years is an Italy that is afraid of nothing and no one, it is a proud and self-sufficient Italy" . Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, secretary of the Lega, since the Pontida stage where the Lega party is taking place, said this. "I am here for a pact of honor and a pact of love", was the beginning of Salvini.

"Thank you very much, this is my house and your home," continued the leader of the Northern League. "To be here today – he says – is an indescribable emotion". Here in Pontida, he added: "There is only love, not envy, nor jealousy, nor rancor. And so "you have the cry of love that is here in Italy and in the world". Because "life is too short to spend time hating, and we only have time to build".

"Europeans next year will be a referendum between Europe's elites, banks, finance, immigration and precariousness, and the Europe of peoples and work, "Salvini had said just before with reporters reaffirming the project of an" international alliance of populists that is for me a compliment ".

"I think of a league of leagues that brings together all free, sovereign movements," then announced the Minister of the Interior, explaining his international political project. "It's the peaceful and smiling future we're working on," he added

"Specifically – added Salvini – I will turn capital into capital not only in Europe to create an alternative to this According to Lega's secretary, "we need to have clear ideas, friends and alliances at the European level."

The results of the EU Council on Migrants, for Italy is "a first step" the Italian proposals are discussed: we are halfway to work, they understood that we can say no, and if we need it, we will say, "then argued the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior Salvini also noted that "the reception is voluntary for others and therefore also for us". "My goal – he continued – is that l & rsquo; Europe protects the external border with Frontex. The goal is not common and half of the joy redistributes the migrants. "

" The ports for these human beings are and will remain closed. Today, there is a third ship that will take the path of another country and there will also be a fourth and a fifth, and so on, "reiterated the Minister of Transport. Inside

"Applying the catechism of the Holy Roman Church, the gates of Italy will be wide open for women and children fleeing the war, who will arrive by plane and not by rubber dinghy, but for all the others they will not do it. We must really spend in Africa, "said Salvini

" I thank the Coast Guard of Libya who, in the silence of the media, has helped more than a thousand desperate people who drowned and brought back to Libya ", added the Minister of the Inerno of the scene, then defining" jackals "those who attribute the recent deaths in the Mediterranean to the line of the Italian government on immigration.

" I I am happy and satisfied with the work of the Lega-M5S government.The facts matter.If they want to quarrel, they will not succeed, "added the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior.

"Our goal is to change Europe and give voice to those peoples who have been cut off by those who care only about the fate of finance and multinationals," Salvini said.

"With Berlusconi, we are talking about all the municipalities and regions where we rule together.Today is the historic record of governors of the center and the League who will speak to Pontida.It is a league that not only growing but making everyone grow, "said Deputy Prime Minister

" As for the human traffickers, from Pontida to the Mafia and Camorristi comes the warning: the pacchus is over Via Sicily and Lombardy, "he said the Deputy Prime Minister speaking of his support for the anti-mafia, different from those who make millions with" l-39 ". anti-mafia words ". Examples of anti-mafia to mention are Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and Rocco Chinnici among others.

"I hope that by the end of the summer there will be the law and the cancellation of penalties for murderers and rapists," he said. about the Interior. "There must be no mercy – he added – for murderers and rapists."

"I renew my commitment to cancel the Fornero law as an unjust, inhuman and deeply erroneous law," the deputy prime minister reiterated. "The future of our children" and avoid "that they should go abroad" is ready to ignore a percentage of "zero point" from the EU.

Salvini then again defined "a personal opinion" the idea of ​​House Speaker Roberto Fico that ports should be kept open. "I respect the personal opinions of everyone," he told reporters. "But the ministers do not have the opinion, the ministers do it" and one fact is that "there are boats that do not arrive".
Vincenzo Spadafora "also speaks on his behalf, the theme is not in the government contract," said Salvini, responding to those who questioned him yesterday about the position of rights of homobadual couples expressed yesterday by the under-secretary at Pompeii. . According to Salvini, those of Spadafora are "personal opinions, which are welcome but the government is something else".

"We are not here to take away anyone's rights, everyone at home does what they want, but I defend children who have the right to have a mother and a father and women who are not tenants, "said Salvini from the scene." The thought of the uterus praises me, "he added

The secretary of the League was introduced by tenor Matteo Tiraboschi who sang the Nessun slept of Puccini's Turandot. "At dawn I will win" ends the air that anticipated the arrival on the scene Salvini is greeted by slogans and cries Matteo , Matteo.

"Rosiconi and Hoodoo": finally the deputy prime minister defined the journalists who criticize his party or gave him in the past for dead. "Long human and professional life for Gad Lerner, Eugenio Scalfari and Michele Santoro "

Sweet words instead for Bossi and Maroni" I will never stop thanking those who I've given the desire, the pbadion, the ideas and the courage to start. They mostly call Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni ".

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