Rome, 1st July 2018 – Weather Prediction very good (for those who like the heat). It's a sunny Sunday from the height of summer, "thanks to the first real incursion of the North African high season," says Centro Epson Meteo . And this is only the beginning: "Next week – say the experts – summer will prevail in the Center and the South Islands, where the dominant scene will be mainly the sun and high temperatures, diffuse more than 30 degrees but with peaks of more than 35 degrees in Sardinia and Sicily ". But the situation will tend to change: "In the South and the Islands the heat wave will be released next weekend, but the northern regions will remain at the margins of high pressure, and the return of instability is expected at the beginning of the week.With thunderstorms Monday in the Alps, but from Tuesday, even in the plains.In the North – the meteorologists of Epson Weather Center say – the climate will be summer but the heat can sometimes be heavy because of the greater instability, with normal temperatures, above. "
In the coming days the summer will prevail more clearly in the South Center and in the islands #meteo .it #meteo #previsioni https://t.co/6jYm785Nsy pic.twitter.com/qo4Cbz1f8t
– weather.it (@wwwmeteoit)
1 July 2018
SUNDAY SUNDAY – Today, it is mostly stable, sunny and warm. In the north, however, during the day, there will be a slight overcast, especially between the pre-pine and adjacent plains. The possibility of sporadic short rains in the eastern Alps is not excluded. Low to moderate winds from Bora on the upper Adriatic average, from Scirocco to the cbads of the islands. Maximum temperatures decrease slightly in the Padana Valley and on the Adriatic; further increase in the south and in the islands, up to 33-34 degrees, but with local peaks also above 35 degrees in Sicily and Sardinia . In the afternoon, 35 ° C to Olbia and Alghero, 33 ° C to Florence and Taranto, 32 ° C to Rome, 31 ° C to Milan, Bologna and Verona, 30 ° C in Bari
Temperatures rise above 30 degrees
WEATHER FORECAST: MONDAY – Warm and generally summery weather. Partially cloudy sky over the Alps, Piedmont, western Lombardy and the foothills of the Northeast, with some local thunderstorms and short setbacks or afternoons in the alpine area. In the rest of the country, sunny weather with mainly cloudy sky, except for some local clouds scattered since morning in western Sardinia. Warm up again in the south, in Sicily and in the east of Sardinia where the thermometer can reach or exceed locally 35 ° C. It will also be very hot in the center with v alori up to 33-34 ° C whereas in the Po valley and on the upper Adriatic it should not exceed 30 ° C. The night temperatures also increase everywhere.
Forecasting #meteo for this first true weekend #caldo : https://t.co/QsMS9pg4E4 #buonsabato # 30June [19659010] pic.twitter.com/4FHetEeeIe
– 3B Weather (@ 3BMeteo)
June 30, 2018
TENDEND NEXT DAYS – The Epson Weather Center indicates that during the week we will see an increase in instability in the northern regions: an Atlantic disturbance, slowly moving towards the alpine region, will cause an increase of the risk of thunderstorms in the North as of Tuesday afternoon but especially between Wednesday and Friday. Here the climate will remain summer with a heat not particularly intense even if sometimes muggy . In the central south, on the contrary, the heatwave will continue until at least Friday. The highest values will be recorded in the south and on the islands, where in the middle of the week, the 35 ° C can be overcome locally. The heat in this area will tend to fade over the next weekend, when we will also see a temporary increase in atmospheric instability
The 6 Movies of the Summer 2018 [19659006] Atlantic disruption next weekend
CHANGE OF ROAD: I NUBIFRAGI – Ilmeteo.it speaks of "umbrella" for the next weekend . "An Atlantic disturbance will begin on Friday the 6th, conditioning the weather in most of the northern regions, with heavy showers and hailstorms, especially in the Po Valley". During the weekend, the rains should slide south along the Adriatic coast (but not only). As always, however, it's best to follow updates for the next few days.
WEATHER: UPDATE JULY 2018, STAY STRIKE, 10 DAYS OF GRANDINE AND SUN THAT DOES NOTHING "https://t.co/fCWKYogXu8 https: // t.co/TUUFXeCj6 # weather via @ilmeteoit
– IT METEO.it (@ilmeteoit)
1 July 2018
Even the cards of 3bmeteo.com anyway (Sunday afternoon) confirm the trend.
Hacker under the umbrella, 5 tips to shelter
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