Weather of 7 days: between Friday and Saturday, last passage of PIOVOSO, then BEL TEMPO


The long phase of dynamic time will end with a last pbad this has been with us for much of November, causing abundant local rains.

The last disruption of the month will be Friday 30 and this will cause precipitation first to the north, especially to Liguria, then to the center and south, accompanied by the formation of a minimal depression on the ground, which will further exalt its phenomenology.

Behind her, the high pressure seems to be strong enough, which will completely neutralize the effects of another expected front approaching the Alps for Sunday, then begin a phase of increasingly stable time, scheduled for early next week, although still slightly disturbed some clouds.

Naturally, the high pressure will bring much softer air at altitude and this will trigger the phenomenon of thermal inversion: it will therefore be colder in the lowlands and basins compared to high altitude or coastal areas; moreover, it could also make its appearance in a great foggy style, especially on the Padano Basin.

How long will it last? Probably just a few daysbut for more details, check out the section "fantameteo" which will certainly reserve you surprises.

Wednesday, November 28
: in the morning, still clouds over Abruzzo and the south with local rainfall, especially on the north of Sicily, Molise, Calabria, Apulia, but with a tendency to improve during the day; The snow freezes below 1000 m on the Apennines of Molise and Lucania. It is better elsewhere, but colder and very cold in the interior.

Thursday, November 29: good weather everywhere, night and cold morning, especially in the north and the center, local fog in the plains, clouds arriving the day on Liguria, then on the rest of the north-west.

Friday, November 30: worsens in the north with many clouds and scattered precipitation, snow-covered in the Alps on 800 to 1,000 m, more persistent phenomena in Liguria and Emilia-Romagna; clouds and rains also on Tuscany, clouds also coming from the center, magnificent to the south.

Saturday, December 1st: improvement in the north, moderate bad weather in the center and south with rain, thunderstorms and snowfall in the Apennines at mid-high altitude. Ventoso. Temperatures without big variations.

Sunday, December 2: sky partly covered in the north, on Tuscany, the Elbe (here with rainy areas) and Sardinia, good weather over the rest of the center, clouds and rain subsisting in the south, especially in the extreme regions, tendency to improvement.

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th December: possible affirmation of the high pressure in good weather, more gentle in altitude and on the coasts, local fog in the plains and in the valleys.

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