What are the symptoms of hepatitis B?


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This is how this disease affects the liver and is caused by the HBV virus

Hepatitis B is a disease that affects the liver and that in Italy, there are more than 1600 new cases a year. This is caused by HBV virus which triggers in 95% of cases infection acute that heals in a few months. In the remaining 5%, the virus is not completely eradicated and the infection becomes chronic.

How is the virus transmitted?

HBV is transmitted by direct contact with Infected body fluidslike blood, saliva, sperm, badl secretions, bad milk.

What are the symptoms?

The most characteristic symptom is the yellowish color (jaundice) of tongue, sclera of the eye and skin, badociated with tired, weakness, loss of appetite, weightloss and fever. In some cases, the disease may be asymptomatic.

How to diagnose?

The diagnosis is made through the blood tests, which detect the presence of specific markers (transaminases, antigens and antibodies).

How to heal?

At the acute stage, they need at least a month of rest and one light diet, low in fat and protein, rich in simple and complex carbohydrates. In the chronic phase, they are used antiviral drugs, which act by inhibiting the production of the virus. The latest generation molecules are entecavir and tenofovir: available in tablets, should be taken once a day, for many years and often throughout life. After one or two months of treatment, HBV DNA is no longer measurable in the blood. Despite this, in 90% of people, the virus remains in the liver cells in a latent form (inactive carriers) and it is therefore necessary to control it by a hepatologist, who will visit once a year and will prescribe blood tests as well as an ultrasound of the liver. The remaining 10%, after 4-5 years of drug use, completely destroy the virus.

How is prevention?

The disease is prevented with vaccine, compulsory in Italy since 1991 for newborns (until 2003 also for 12 years), which is administered three doses with intramuscular injection and provides in almost all cases (99%) permanent immunity.


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Posted: 28th November 2018
Updated: November 28, 2018

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