What do we know about the two missing girls on Friday in Fermo


  What we know about the two missing girls Friday in Fermo

Photo from Facebook

Gaia Maria Perbado and Gaia Fiorentini, missing at Fermo

The third night pbaded without news about Gaia Fiorentini and 17-year-old Gaia Maria Perbado, friends and residents of Fidenza (Parma) have gone missing since Friday, while they were on vacation at Camping Mirage in Marina di Altidonana, on the Marche Coast with parents of the One of two. The last observation – we read in the Corriere della Sera – was made at the Pedaso station, from where the two minor girls were able to travel by train.

#Fermo 17-year-old girls have disappeared. The desperate appeal of parents. The young people of Fidenza were on vacation in a camp with the parents of one of the two [pic] .twitter.com / xFrfky0W3D

– Tg2 (@ tg2rai) July 1, 2018

Voluntary Departure

] The two girls, school friends and very close one of the other, would have brought with them a backpack with clothes and money. For now, the beaten track are those of voluntary departure: before the disappearance, there seems to have been a quarrel between girls and parents. The research, in addition to the indices resulting from the numerous reports via the social and traditional channels, is also directed towards the places of gathering of the young people: bars, clubs, fast food.

A Facebook profile has been activated to collect information useful for their discovery. Even the municipal police distribute leaflets with pictures of the girls.

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