What is digital transformation and why is it important for SMEs?



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More and more people in all sectors have the feeling that work has changed, given to computers and less to dexterity – and even relational – at one time. Technology has changed our lives as consumers, but especially as entrepreneurs. Di Digital Transformation we talk so much that, as noted by the British newspaper Guardian it is now a term used repeatedly in the business world . Let's see what that is in practice.

What is Digital Transformation?

The Digital Transformation is a fundamental change in the functional components of a business, from its operating model to the next. its infrastructure, which takes the form of a comprehensive restructuring undertaken to avoid a crisis caused by the non-exploitation of digital technologies . It is therefore a turning point in the life of a business

Why Digital Transformation is Important for SMEs

Companies should avoid crises as much as possible. That is why large companies rely on global groups that help them drive change, or web agency that promote a good reputation and market presence.

SMEs? For them, the digital transformation, as feared, is often the only solution. Many small Italian entrepreneurs are afraid of not finding a solution that allows them to conduct their business optimally and therefore to provide goods and services or to offer new experiences to consumers.

Who can be entrusted to the little ones? and medium-sized businesses? In this case too, we find the contribution of the web agencies that are contacted to improve brand awareness. In Italy, however, there are more strategies for linking companies, promoted in some cases by the Chamber of Commerce and the regions. Professional advice is widely used, which we will examine in the following paragraphs

We must face the changes and challenges of this millennium, in which, among other things, the very makeup of commercial demand has changed significantly. Just think of the generation of digital natives, which will soon constitute 40% of consumers in the world . They use the Internet for almost all their transactions and small Italian producers (but often the big exporters) can not ignore it.

Introducing the digital transformation in your business, it's making a change that can limit errors in the communication phases.

On which companies to support in Italy to implement the Digital Transformation

The large Italian productive fabric consists of small enterprises sometimes suspicious and confused in their approach. And yet they are often real excellences who know in the years a decisive numerical unatrasformation . It takes mainly five forms: "automation, computerization, dematerialization, virtualization, cloud computing and mobile".

Explain here the innumerable transformations that we all perceive in our work, be it trade, web site creation, manufacturing or agricultural production. Just think of moving the paper information to digital to achieve the impressive goal achieved by the digital transformation and that has characterized the last decade. The badog world is now a thing of the past.

To reach the goals in today 's world, we must use up – to – date, rational and flexible consulting services. A reliable and accurate consulting service can indeed give strength to many Italian brands, helping them to overcome the limits of our production system to project themselves in Europe and the world with a new image and especially a new efficiency .

We hope that our article has been to your liking and will send you to visit Mirko Cuneo's blog to better understand what Digital Transformation is.

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