What to do in Sharm el-Sheikh at Christmas and New Year


Christmas and New Year in the heat, the dream of many. Here is what to expect from a trip to Sharm el-Sheikh in the winter.

With the end of November, it is inevitable to start thinking about what to do. Christmas and new year. Most will organize as usual with their relatives, in respect of the traditions. But there are those who will finally decide to crown this dream in the drawer for a very long time: the Christmas holidays in the heat.

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Photo Source: 123rf

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Photo Source: 123rf

In this sense, Egypt has always been a favorite destination, as distance is not prohibitive and average cost overall acceptable, especially if the decision to travel was made well in advance (economy). More specifically, reference is made to Sharm el-Sheikh, capital of Egyptian tourism.

It's now a real clbadic, considering the pleasant climate even in winter. It will be possible to avoid the suffocating heat, but especially the large crowd of tourists. Not that they are absent but certainly fewer in number than in July and August. If in summer the average is 35-45 degrees, in winter it is between 20-25 degrees. Therefore, nothing prevents you from taking a relaxing bath, admiring the magnificent backgrounds that Sharm has to offer.

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Photo Source: 123rf

"data-medium-file =" https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh-barriera-corallina.jpg?w=1112&h=634?w=300 "data-large- file = "https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh-barriera-corallina.jpg?w=1112&h=634?w=1024" clbad = "full-size wp-image -217548 "src =" https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh-barriera-corallina.jpg?w=1112&h=634 "alt =" Sharm el Sheikh "width =" 1112 "height =" 634 "srcset =" https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh-barriera-corallina.jpg?w=1112&h=634 1112w, https: // siviaggia .files.wordpress.com / 2018/11 / sharm-el-sheikh-barrier-corallina.jpg? w = 150 & h = 86 150w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el- sheikh-barrier-corallina.jpg? w = 300 & h = 171 300w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh-barriera-corallina.jpg?w=768&h=438 768w, https: // siviaggia. files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh-barriera-corallina.jpg?w=1024&h=584 1024w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/20 18/11 / sharm-el- sheikh-barrier-corallina.jpg 1217w "sizes =" (maximum width: 1112px) 100vw, 1112px "/>

Photo Source: 123rf

This is the ideal destination for lovers of nautical sports: windsurfing, boating, snorkeling and much more. You can have fun in the waves and perhaps devote yourself to diving to observe the reef and coral reef, typical of the Red Sea coast. Booking in one of the many complexes has advantages. For example, you will have the equipment needed to dive and, if you wish, you can rely on organized groups. A way to offer a dream experience while feeling safe.

<img data-attachment-id = "217549" data-permalink = "https://siviaggia.it/idee-di-viaggio/natale-capodanno-sharm-el-sheikh/217528/attachment/sinai/" data-orig -file = "https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sinai.jpg?w=1112&h=634" data-orig-size = "1217,694" data-comments-open = "0" image-image-meta = "{" openings ":" 0 "" credit ":" "" room ":" "" caption ":" "" created_timestamp ":" 0 "" copyright "" "," focal_length ": "0", "iso": "0", "shutter_speed": "0", "title": "", "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" Sinai "data-image-description = "

Photo Source: 123rf

"data-medium-file =" https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sinai.jpg?w=1112&h=634?w=300 "data-large-file =" https: // siviaggia .files.wordpress.com / 2018/11 / sinai.jpg? w = 1112 & h = 634? w = 1024 "clbad =" full-size wp-image-217549 "src =" https: //siviaggia.files.wordpress. com / 2018/11 / sinai.jpg? w = 1112 & h = 634 "alt =" Sinai "width =" 1112 "height =" 634 "srcset =" https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/ sinai.jpg? w = 1112 & h = 634 1112w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sinai.jpg?w=150&h=86 150w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/ 2018 / 11 / sinai.jpg? W = 300 & h = 171 300w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sinai.jpg?w=768&h=438 768w, https: //siviaggia.files. wordpress.com/2018/11/sinai.jpg?w=1024&h=584 1024w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sinai.jpg 1217w "sizes =" (maximum width: 1112 pixels) 100vw, 1112px "/>

Photo Source: 123rf

Christmas and New Year not only in the name of marine exploration. It is indeed possible to devote oneself to excursions, for example in the desert of Sinai. It will be possible to do it on horseback, by camel, jeep or quad. In addition to these visits to the Ras Mohammed Marine Park, boat trips toTiran Island and much more. The resorts have convenient packages, so consider the best solution for their tastes.

Fantastic places and sensations never felt before, perhaps spending the New Year's Eve in the desert, dining a few kilometers from the city, under a starry sky, to wish the best year of its best.

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Photo Source: 123rf

"data-medium-file =" https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh.jpg?w=1112&h=634?w=300 "data-large-file =" https : //siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh.jpg? w = 1112 & h = 634? w = 1024 "clbad =" full-size wp-image-217547 "src =" https: //siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh.jpg?w=1112&h=634 "alt = "Sharm el-Sheikh" width = "1112" height = "634" srcset = "https: //siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh.jpg?w=1112&h=634 1112w , https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh .jpg? w = 150 & h = 86 150w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh.jpg?w=300&h=171 300w, https: //siviaggia.files.wordpress. com / 2018/11 / sharm-el-sheikh.jpg? w = 768 & h = 438 768w, https://siviaggia.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/sharm-el-sheikh.jpg?w=1024&h= 584 1024w, https: //siviaggia.files.wordpress. com / 2018/11 / sharm-el-sheikh.jpg 1217w "sizes =" (maximum width: 1112px) 100vw, 1112px "/>

Photo Source: 123rf

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