What's new at the Milan Coffee Festival


For the few who do not know it, Coachella is the music festival that glossy lifestyle magazines vie for "fresh"O"glam". This is not a joke, look on Google and you'll see.

The Milan Coffee Festival – Spazio Pelota, via Palermo 10 in Milan – looks like the Coachella of the Cup, which brings together on Saturday 1 December (10/21) and Sunday 2 (10/20) for more than 60 exhibitors. a two-day tasting, interactive demonstrations, workshops, baristas performances, independent roasters, conferences and live debates.

[La rivoluzione del caffè artigibade spiegata bene]

At the price of 18 euros or 30 euros at the weekend, find all the trends that led to the success of artisbad coffee: coffee specialties of microtorrefactions, the champions of "the art of lath" (the drawings made with foam), filter preparations (Chemex, Aeropress, V60 and French Press), including coffee badtails.

[Cosa serve per fare il caffè artigibade in casa e quanto costa]

In addition to music, DJ sets and food, why could we talk about Coachella?

Ferran Adrià, among others, will be invited to present the new book "Coffee Sapiens", contribution of Lavazza to Bullipedia, the encyclopedia of gastronomic gastronomy to which the great Catalan chef has been working for years.

The Milanese know many places, from Trippa to Pavè, from Taglio to a culinary typography.

To make sure you do not miss anything, Alpro's Vegan Coffee Bar, the first vegan café-café in Italy, offers drinks and badtails made from vegetable milk.

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