When Nutella is good: from Ferrero to employees. «More than 9 thousand euros in 4 years» | NEW


Good news for the 6,000 Italian workers at Ferrero, the confectionery company in Alba, which will have with the new additional contract a variable of 9,210 euros in the next four years (2,220 in 2019 and 2020, 2,320 in 2021 and 2,450 in 2022). When it is fully operational, the increase is 14% over the last contract expired on June 30th.

Contract Rider, initialed the agreement. The unions: "Historical Day". Here are the schedules and protections

Research and development of Ferrero products worldwide are consolidated in Alba with the strengthening of Soremartec's activities. The agreement also includes many family news, such as the increase of half-days for pediatric visits and to help the spouse or parents with serious illness [19659004] "In addition to a good increase in variable wages, the agreement gives the necessary stability and continuity of employment. The integrator contains, in fact, entrepreneurial initiatives and investments that the company will undertake in the four-year period, also to maintain a stable job on the Italian sites, "explain Attilio Cornelli, Mauro Macchiesi and Guido Majrone, national secretaries of Fai, Flai and Uila.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – Last Updated: 22:32


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