White-dead, balloons for Salvatore, the 22-year-old man fell from a skylight in Via Duomo


"Bombardier lives in us", "You can not die from work". These are the messages left in front of the Church of San Giorgio ai Mannesi, in the district of Forcella in Naples, for Salvatore Caliano, the 22-year-old boy who died last Tuesday falling from a skylight in a condominium in Via Duomo where he worked to earn a few euros.

The sound of the trumpet, confetti, applause and white balloons accompanied the release of the coffin under the fresco dedicated to San Gennaro. In the church, close to the family, tortured but composed in his pain, many people and many boys.

Friends wearing a white t-shirt with a printed Salvatore photo. On the coffin of Salvatore only white roses. "It was an exceptional guy – say friends – we are asking the government for measures to prevent workplace accidents and fight illegal work."

The district was closely related to the Caliano family and to the municipal administration esequie represented by the Deputy Mayor, Raffaele Del Giudice

"The Administration – said Del Giudice – wanted participate in their proximity to the family always in the discretion and regarding their pain ".

in reproduction ….

To the parents, the number two of the San Giacomo Palace expressed the wish of the mayor, Luigi de Magistris, to visit them. To celebrate the funeral of Salvatore, Don Angelo, who emphasized the qualities of the boy by speaking of him as "an example" for the many young people living the harsh reality of Forcella.

A delegation from DemA's national coordination participated in Esquie by Salvatore Caliano, the 22-year-old who died in Naples while for 35 euros he was cleaning a skylight in a building in the city center. "1965o002" The drama of the death of Salvatore deeply impressed us – says Enrico Panini in a note – we offer our condolences to the family by participating in the funeral. "

  White deaths, balloons for Salvatore, 22 years old fallen from a skylight in Via Duomo

" The theme of workplace safety and struggle at work Black is for us a top priority in the country – explains Panini – in the autumn we will give life to a general mobilization because in Italy we need a new labor law which, in addition to the fight against precariousness protects the safety at work and the emergence of illegal work. To die for 35 euros gives us the measure of the social drama that we live in our country, especially in the South. You can not die at work, in Italy the slaughter of those who die to bring bread to the house has impressive numbers, while the political debate revolves around the stomach ache of Confindustria, and the reintroduction of coupons , casual and prepaid work services "For us, it's a real national emergency – he continues – and we believe that instead of looking after the alien hunt in the center of government program, there should be a priority need for those who live in this country: work, safe, legal and protected ", concludes the secretary of Dema.

At the burial in the church of the working-clbad district of Forcella took part a delegation of the national coordination of DemA composed by Francesco Chirico, Laura Mormorale, Arnaldo Maurino

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