Who is Battisti, the new managing director of Fs – Repubblica.it


ROMA – Gianfranco Battisti is the director chosen by the Gialloverde government for the Ferrovie dello Stato summit. An internal appointment that the announcement – as well as the previous ones until the first mandate of Mauro Moretti – for a manager who has successfully handled Trenitalia's delicate pbadenger transport machine and is since 20 years old a group employee with a past In 2017 Battisti, who is also president of Federturismo di Confindustria, was promoted to CEO of Fs Sistemi Urbani, the creator of the group that takes care of the improvement, promotion and the revival of Fs badets and also the sustainable mobility and not only on the iron of the big Italian cities. The case, or perhaps not just the case, he wanted in the last hours with his colleague Maurizio Gentile, number one of the rail network (and also run for the role of CEO of F, even for a few days), Battisti went to Campidoglio by the mayor 5Stelle of Rome Virginia Raggi, to sign a protocol for the recovery of some railway stations and especially the closure of the railway ring for nearly 30 years a kind of big hole in Roman mobility on the iron cut in two right North District of the city

Fs Sistemi Urbani is also at the center of a strong recovery of some areas to recover in Milan, city that participates in the call for urban regeneration "Reinventing Cities ": here, there are five disused sites to improve environmental and urban regeneration projects. This is the market of Gorla, the Scuderie de Montel, portions of via Serio and via Doria and the disused Greek stopover

Now, at Battisti, it remains only to push the Accelerator to arrive, not only with the Frecciarossa, but with all the integrated Fs system, from local trains, to achieve the sustainable mobility project and possibly powered mainly by the electric.

gianfranco battisti
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