Wikipedia, because today it does not work in Italian and against those who protest


Wikipedia users, the free online encyclopedia, will wake up with a surprise: the Italian pages of the site are obscured, he says, to protest the violations of Internet freedom that would be provided for by the new EU Copyright Directive. The European Parliament, meeting in plenary session today in Strasbourg, will vote on July 5 a text that has aroused the anger of a crossed front that goes from the giants of technology (like Google) to the activist groups for the right to know. The initiative seems to have been born in the peninsula because the pages in other languages ​​are still available.

The subject of the dispute is two articles approved with the amendment adopted last June for the control of the Legal Committee of the European Parliament: Article 11 (which provides for the so-called link fee, c & rsquo; Ie the obligation to obtain a license when sharing article fragments with a link to a hypertext link) and Article 13 (the one establishing the upload filter a filter that prevents the download of copyrighted content on platforms such as Youtube or Instagram.

Google lobbies against the new European directive on copyright law. ;author

The directive, says the Italian Wikipedia community, threatens online freedom and creates barriers to network access by imposing new barriers, filters and restrictions and could also lead to the closure of Wikipedia. The portal then sends a warning to MPs who will vote on 5 July (we ask to reject the current text of the directive and reopen the discussion by examining the many proposals Wikimedia badociations), starting with the abolition of the articles. 11 and 13, as well as the extension of the freedom of panorama (the possibility of taking pictures in public places without restriction, net of the rights of architects, ed) to the whole of the EU and the protection of the public domain. On the contrary, more than one call: the press release refers to an ad hoc page on the vote of the European Parliament where it is possible to call MEPs or write their emails from the respective pages of the European institutions . Wikipedia Italy also refers to the proposals put forward by its community in 2013, signed in parallel to the various national editions of the portal in Europe, in addition to the call of a 70-year-old computer scientist opposed to the ploy taken. by the process.

From Google to "pirates", all the opponents of the text

The directives are EU legal acts that compel member countries to achieve a certain result, even if they do not prescribe exactly how. In this case, the proposal, presented by the European Commission in 2016, aims at harmonizing copyright rules for the digital single market (the hypothesis of a free online market, on the false line of freedom of movement already ratified for vehicles, services and persons). The two "incriminated" articles appeared in the text on June 20, meeting the hostility of a host of rather heterogeneous actors. The search engine giant Google has been pressuring publishers who have benefited from its Google digital information initiative (funding for innovative projects in the field), alongside protest initiatives with signatures ranging from web co-inventor Tim Berners-Lee to technolibertaria inspired political parties such as Piratenpartei Deutschland German Pirate Party

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