Wikipedia Italy Freezes Against European Copyright Law – Tlc


Wikipedia Italy freezes to protest the Copyright Directive that will be voted on July 5 by the European Parliament in plenary

"If promulgated, it will significantly limit freedom of expression. the Internet – reads on the italian site.update copyright laws in Europe to promote the participation of all in the information society, it threatens freedom online and creates barriers to network access by imposing new barriers, filters and restrictions It is impossible to share a newspaper article on social networks or find it on a search engine, Wikipedia could close. "

Yesterday, the popular online encyclopedia was activated with a banner to defend the freedom of expression on the web. 19659002] "The Italian community of Wikipedia – reads the site – has decided to obscure all the pages of the encyclopedia, to continue to offer a free, open and collaborative encyclopedia with verifiable content, so we ask everyone members of the European Parliament to reject the current text of the directive and to reopen the debate by examining the numerous proposals of Wikimedia badociations, starting with the abolition of Articles 11 and 13, as well as the extension of the freedom of panorama to the whole of the EU and the protection of the public domain. "

The European directive – explains Wikipedia – has already met the strong disapproval of more than 70 computer scientists among like the creator of the site Tim Berners-Lee (here), 169 academics (here), 145 organizations working in the fields of human rights, freedom of the press, scientific research and computer and the Wi Foundation kimedia. every page of the free encyclopedia, the Wikipedia community had taken a clear position in defense of an open network and against the proposed new EU copyright directive. The decision was taken by active volunteers on the wiki to raise awareness among members of Parliament for the July 5 vote in Strasbourg.


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