with a tumor he has his face tattooed on his back


This doctor saved his life by working urgently in a hospital in Cordoba, Argentina. And so, after colon cancer, after the successful operation, he decided to thank the oncologist for getting a face tattoo on his back. Nano Salguero42 years old, lives in a village in the province of Cordoba: he had discovered that he had cancer of the intestine.

His doctor tells the Argentine newspaper The vozhe had advised her to go to town. And it 's there, at the hospital clinics, in Cordoba, that Salguero met Paul Lada, oncologist: the doctor who diagnosed him with the disease and who then operated on him. urgency to save him.

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The tattoo represents the face of Lada and the facade of the hospital that helped Salguero. Doing it on the back of the patient took two months of work. But the 42-year-old wanted to do so to show his gratitude to the doctor and the Cordoba hospital.

"It's a gesture of gratitude and admiration for those who have saved my life," said Salguero on television. & # 39; El Show of the Manana & # 39;. After 42 years of medical career on the shoulders, Lada was impressed by the gesture of his patient. "We try to do our best, but I have never felt such a feeling," Lada told the Argentine media.

Source: La Voz →

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