"With Italy impossible to find an agreement"


Angela Merkel observes that the earth collapses under her feet. And it is Italy to be one of the architects of these strikes, with the government of Giuseppe Conte to be one of the main obstacles to German policy on the issue of migrants. This was revealed by the German Chancellor herself in an interview with Zdf to be broadcast at 19:10

" An agreement with Italy was not possible until now . "The German leader, who is going through one of the worst political crises since his arrival at the head of Berlin, does not hide his worries about the future of the government. "I understand the concern of the CSU, wanting more order in the border controls, I have met the request of Horst Seehofer, I think, an agreement with Italy n & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Has not been possible until now. The entire Schengen system is under threat. "

The content of the interview, anticipated in some excerpts from Bild shows the fears of the Chancellor who, more than ever, has the feeling of losing not only German leadership, but also European. "Italy has set aside, becoming a real thorn in the political agenda of Angela Merkel.But with the Italian government, the statements coming from the Visegrad group also weigh, denying the agreement reached between Germany and the countries on the repatriation of asylum seekers

La Merkel, in clear difficulty after denials from Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary, spoke of "misunderstandings." "We have reached no agreement," said Chancellor Zdf, and he stressed that with these countries there was only Only one exchange "at the political level." This is very different from what was said in s the document sent to his CSU and SPD government allies and in which he stated that he had concluded an agreement with 14 countries of the European Union for repatriation.

For Merkel, there is no one who is just a fool, but also a risk. The Minister of the Interior and CSU chief Seehofer have been clear: either an agreement has been reached or the rejection at the border has put the German government in crisis, which is based on a delicate balance between CDU. Csu (the Bavarian twin) and the social democrats

But now it is not only Visegrad that endangers the German government. There is also Italy, which is a fundamental junction on the issue of migrants. The failure to conclude an agreement with Rome leads to a resounding defeat for the German government.

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