Wolves and bears, the minister has the law: "No to the slaughterhouse"


"As Minister of the Republic, I have a duty to intervene.These two laws violate a constitutional principle." This was announced by the Minister of the Environment Sergio Costa after the provincial councils of Trent and Bolzano approved measures for the autonomous management of bears and wolves
"I am obliged – explains Costa – to ask for the appeal to the Constitutional Court. Even if I ask myself: do we have to necessarily get to this point? For that, I ask the two Presidents of the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano if they can think of doing otherwise. To solve the problem of wolves and bears in their autonomous provinces, should they simply be demolished? Just look at ISPRA's wolf plan that has come to a breath of approval, there are twenty-two actions to regulate the man-wolf relationship. I think it's appropriate to look at it, a solution is definitely there. "
" I therefore invite the two presidents of Trento and Bolzano – he says – to step back. Withdrawal of laws that may not even have been published on the newsletter yet. Then I invite them to come to Rome, where they can find solutions for their wolves and bears with Ispra. There are really a lot. "

Do not shoot #lupi and #orsi I will ask to challenge the provincial law of #Trento and #Bolzano to the Council of Ministers Invitation of the presidents of the provinces interested in Rome to find alternatives to firearms #soslupiorsi #iosonoambiente pic.twitter.com/4M0iro8o55

– Sergio Costa (@SergioCosta_min) July 8, 2018

The Governor's response was not long awaited ] Ugo Rossi : "I invite Minister Costa to come to Trentino and see for yourself how we manage the territory and wildlife. For some time now, we have been able to create biodiversity on our territory that has allowed us to preserve and, in many cases, grow our wildlife heritage, as was the case with bears and wolves. "
The President of the Province pointed out that in Trentino "animals and humans live in equilibrium and that no species is deprived of the necessary protection." The new law on the management of large carnivores It was not intended to obtain a kind of license to kill, but to provide us with the best tools to handle dangerous situations. "
Meanwhile, the provincial councilor of the provincial government Carlo Daldoss launches the hashtag #NoLupieOrsiInTrentino on Facebook: "They are incompatible with an anthropised environment like ours.The protection of the territory, the respect of the environment, the landscape value and the cultural identities have been guaranteed, with results that recognize us all. "And remember:" In Vermiglio, my village, when the last bear was shot in the 60s, the worry ended. No because there was no sensitivity, but because the cohabitation with herds and pastures was impossible. "

" Minister Costa's decision seems inappropriate and inappropriate – are rather the words of the under-secretary of state for health. If the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano have managed to approve a law that also includes the slaughter of large carnivores, it means that the situation is really at the limit. "
Enthusiastic instead of the animalists of …" Enpa (National Agency for Animal Welfare): "We thank Minister Costa because, thanks to his words – after years of bad governance – the state finally returns to make its presence felt, against the arrogance of some local authorities also they have often claimed to have the free hand on wildlife, which is not available for the State. "

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