Work and not only – CdM gives green light to Dignity decree, "war" on precarious contracts | Italy


  The Minister of Labor, Luigi Di Maio

The Minister of Labor, Luigi Di Maio

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Rome – For fixed-term contracts, the duration varies from 36 months to 12 months without a reason for payment, after which it can be renewed (for a maximum of 12 others), but with the obligation of 39 indicate the reason for the payment and for each renewal they will cost 0.5% more: it is one of the essential points contained in the so-called "decree of dignity" under the title "19459014" entitled "Short Term of Fixed-Term Contracts" .

In the text, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers around 22, sources close to the government confirm that the reduction of the possibility of extending contracts from five to four terms is included, without prejudice to the maximum duration of 24 months.

| Dignity Order, the draft provision (pdf)

In addition, the Jobs Act should be "pbaded" through a war on precarious contracts and the protection of workers with "important" "Disincentive to unfair dismissals with a significant increase in compensation, which may also achieve 36 monthly payments . On this, Minister Di Maio said that "we had promised to make a" war "on insecurity, bureaucracy, gambling and relocation and we did it: 39, is the Waterloo of precariousness, the era of precariousness for no reason is over. "

According to what is learned, these measures do not apply for the contracts of 39, public administration .

Stop advertising money games, "we are the first country in the EU"
At the end of the CdM , Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio also said that "we have banned advertising for the game, there are those who worry about the contracts in force and we gave them a little it. It is time to solve them (until June 30, 2019, ed): we are the first country in Europe to do this, we put people in the center for the first time ". However, the text of the Dignità decree provides for the prohibition of "any form of advertising, even indirect, relating to games or wagering with money, whatever the form and the means, including sports events, cultural or artistic, television or radio daily and periodical press, publications in general, billboards and internet ". In addition, "as of January 1, 2019, the prohibition also applies to the sponsorship of events, activities, program events, products or services, and all other forms of promotional content communication "; excluded from the prohibition of deferred lotteries, such as the lottery Italy .

Tourism pbades to the Ministry of Agriculture
Still at the end of the Council of Ministers arrived the confirmation of a news that had begun to circulate in late after-the-year noon: the delegation to Tourism pbades from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage to the Ministry of Agriculture led by the Northern League Gian Marco Centinaio . In addition, the Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa, said "very satisfied that the past decree that transfers jurisdiction over the" Land of Fires "to my ministry: now I have the ability to produce all correlative acts relating to safety and rehabilitation "; moreover, "I will also have the jurisdiction of hydrogeological protection and the circular economy", he added

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