Work: more free time or more money from the payroll, what would you choose?


A little higher salary or a little more free time? For some time now, companies have begun to offer their employees the opportunity to choose. For example, the Ducati, Marposs, Samp, Bonfiglioli, and Lamborghini industries, receiving, for the truth, an almost unanimous answer: workers (employees) prefer in prevalence to have an hour more of time releases that of money may be extraordinary, moreover. The most valuable resource, in the country where the reconciliation between work and family is still a Utopia, is that of time, especially for those who have children and a great desire to spend more hours with them. . instead of paying for the umpteenth summer course.

Then, there is another aspect that workers are increasingly interested in being able to do during working hours: sport, a useful tool not only for prevention and psychological well-being, but also for work better (and reduce sick leave). In fact, they understood it in Sweden where companies now leave workers free to train or provide gyms and clbades for employees to play sports during working hours. These are forward-looking choices because a happier and healthier worker is a good thing for everyone. More generally, the theme is not only that of the sport in the company, but that of the well-being of the companies which today – especially in times of crisis of the good -be public, from the health services but also Represents for those who work a sphere much more pleasant than money

Let's talk about intelligent work, highly valued employees who can spend a day or more working at home, complementary health care and of those times, in fact, very welcome, for the feeling of protection that it brings), meal vouchers, help to pay kindergartens home transportation, education and training, badistance to non-self-sufficient family members, insurance against sickness and death, supplementary social security contributions, mortgages and loans, bursaries for children job Oyes. As Censis-Eudaimon 1 report on corporate well-being in 2018 explains, 53.8% of workers support these initiatives. These are mostly graduates, workers with young children, middle-income workers. Among the most requested services, according to Censis, there are health-related services, supplementary pensions, home transport (for example, public transport tickets), crèches and holiday centers, school fees. . How much is the situation in Italy done primarily by small businesses, even family members, who are unfamiliar with the well-being of their employees? Replies Alberto Perfumo CEO of Eudaimon, one of the leading Italian suppliers specializing in the design of wellness plans for companies, and author of the provocative book "The well-being of iattura "(Este editions):" In recent years, we have seen a gradual improvement in the situation from the beginning, thanks also to some favorable regulations in recent years.

The point is how reacting with a personalization of welfare on the needs of well-being of people . One can not "impose" something even if for the purpose of In this sense, it is essential to pay attention to the way in which we choose to say well-being within the l & # 39; business, but not only; It happens that a program is poorly known or misused by employees because it is not accompanied by correct policies of communication for which people, even though they are not in the same business. they are equipped with tools, do not know how to access them ".

Well-being of companies in response to the malaise of workers? Yes and No Assuredly, services such as those listed provide greater comfort and a sense of stability and protection for employees and their families. But, returning to the initial dilemma on the choice between money and time, this option is valid especially for people without low income, much less for workers but also for workers in other sectors. If you earn little, and unfortunately the average salary in Italy is low, you can not afford to give up a little more money in exchange, for example, more free time or the gym. In this sense, the well-being of companies can never replace that of the public, which unfortunately remains tragically

And then there is another subject that remains completely outside: self-employed, precarious, independent or freelance professionals . A mbad of about five million people who no one thinks of well-being, not even the professional orders that should protect those who are part of it. Try to talk about the well-being of companies with a self-employed worker: he will express his suffering, his desire for protection, his protection. He will talk to you about his obligatory "intelligent" job, because maybe he does not have the money for a study and has to work from home (especially if a woman), he will ask you why all the old ones rights – contributions, unemployment, sickness, entitlement 104 etc. – and all new opportunities (corporate welfare, in fact) are still and only for employees . Maybe they do yoga at lunch time, while those who work alone have no choice between more time and more money : because they miss both.

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I do not have time to answer all the comments, but I read everything thanks.

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