Workers in black in the company of Di Maio, Deputy Prime Minister: "I moved away from the fact, but obviously not from my father"


"I took the distances in fact, but obviously not mine Father. I do not want discharge my father. " hyenas were about to broadcast the second service on the black workers of the company of Antonio Di Maio, the deputy prime minister defended himself Tuesday, responding to the accusations of Matteo Renzi and especially Maria Elena Boschiwho wished Di Maio senior not to try everything his son and the 5 stars had done to prove to his father case Etruria. "Mrs. Boschi was going to the interior Consob ask for help for father's bank: this is a case that is opposed to mine because there were children who were going to ask fathers – he counter attack Di Maio – Today, I do not help my father hide the facts: I take my cards instead Hyenas"To whom for others" I never asked not to air theirs service as anyone else in the past. "If the exchange of charges represents the setback policy of history, the investigation of the hyenas went ahead, confirming what was also said by Il Fatto Quotidiano. In this sense, black workers are at least three and not one as the first service of the program Italy 1. Not only that. One of them is still in dispute with the father of the Vice Prime Minister and current Minister of Labor Luigi Di Maio.

INVESTIGATION ON WORKERS IN BLACK – After Sunday service Hyenasin Pomigliano d'Arco we did not say anything else: the story of Antonio Di Maio and the non-regular badumptions for his construction business have filled the conversations in the populous city at the gates of Naples. Talk to reporters, however, no one wanted to. Everyone was waiting for the second video of the Italia Uno show. Progress continued throughout the day, with the controversial policy and charges between different parties to feed the waiting. the service It was broadcast just before 11 pm and confirmed the rumors aired in the afternoon. Envoy Filippo Roma contacted three other workers detained in black by the father of Luigi Di Maio between 2008 and 2009, years in which the current minister did not hold shares in the family business. The three employees in black they call Mimmo, Jeans and Stefano. The former worked in black for Antonio Di Maio for three years and is currently fighting with the father of the Vice Prime Minister. He lost to the first level ("They changed the judge in the race and it's like that" he told Filippo Roma during the phone call that had been broadcast), but he is ready to face the call. The second worker, Giovanni, was employed by Antonio Di Maio for eight months, while the third – Stefano – for an indefinite time. However, the latter is linked to the latter history confirmed by the other workers heard by the hyenas: one day on the Di Maio sitework inspector and Stefano had to flee in the fields not to be discovered. This is of course what the fans of the hyenas feel. Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio, for his part, learned of the existence of these three other cases in addition to that of Salvatore Pizzo (and for the latter confirmed that it was a black job), condemned the work of his father and promised to provide all the documentation necessary to clarify the issue. At the same time, however, the Minister of Labor he insisted that his father regularly hires many workers, for example decades. The concept was then repeated also for Tuesday.

THE REPLIES OF DI MAIO – "I do not know anything about these names, just as I did not know anything about it Salvatore Pizzo – said the political leader of the M5 has Hyenas – I did my checks and I went to dispositionas I imagine you will enjoy. "The Deputy Prime Minister then stated that he had questioned his father about the story of Salvatore Pizzo:" He told me the case of Pizzo and it is there- As always – added the minister – I am at your disposal: if you have any other information, I will provide you with what you need. It is clear and obvious that I can ask and do the checks. "The Hyenas have therefore advanced another hypothesis, namely that this same Luigi Di Maio – who often claimed to have been a mason this summer for his father's company – had been employee in black the sent Filippo Rome In fact, he asked Di Maio "for documentation that demonstrates that he himself does not work in black as a mason for the family business "on the basis of the fact that" often the minister said that he had work in the summer on the farm. "Di Maio badured that his position had always been regular, announcing that he was in possession of all the cards to be able to prove it … Again, the political leader of the M5 repeated the concept in the studios of La7, where he was a guest of Floris to Tuesday: "When I worked for thesociety of my father, I was regularly marked "with a contract and" I will expose them all Documents of the case. At that time, I did not know what relationship with my father – he added – and I was not a member of society. I became five age there is, when I was already a member of Parliament Republic and I was in Rome ".

EXCHANGE OF CHARGES BETWEEN PD AND M5S – Still studies from La7 the Vice Prime Minister he responded to the accusations received by the Democratic Party, in this case by the former Minister Maria Elena Boschi: "The lady Boschi he went to Consob asking for help for his father's bank: this is a case contrary to mine because there were children who were going to ask fathers – he defended himself Di Maio – Today, I do not help my father hide the facts: I take my cards instead Hyenas"To that for other" I have never asked to not broadcast their services as someone else has done in the past. I walked away from the fact – he concluded – but obviously not from my father. I do not want discharge my father, I do not interfere. "Di Maio's response to Boschi this is part of the political implications of the case, with the opposition (especially the Democratic Party) determined to bring the Deputy Prime Minister to report to Parliament. The 5 stars made a wall to defend the political leader. Alessandro Di BattistaFor example, he defended Di Maio with a sword: "He had a gentlemanly reaction" while "the system attacks him because he fears him".

Di Battista instead attacked Matteo Renzi and Maria Elena Boschi: "They look like a donkey", he said, referring to the attacks on Renzi, father and son, and after the former minister had wished his father Di Maio yesterday to do not try everything. son and the 5 stars prompted his father to try to defend the Etruria affair. Boschi, in turn, also responded to Di Battista: "In reading the vulgarity of Alessandro Di Battista, I understand that in family the fascist is not only his father. "Among the cross-accusations of sons and fathers (on this subject, they also intervened Senior Baptist and even the father of the prime minister Giuseppe count), to try to soothe the minds reflected Matthew Salvini: "When using a case family and private to make the political standoff, this is never a good time. Then, if there were errors, everyone will answer for their mistakes. "Meanwhile, while Antonio Di Maio said on television that he had found all records containing documentation relating to his employees. Audits have also been launched on the history of "ghost" artifacts on Di Maio family property in the neighboring municipality of Di Maio. Mariglianella.

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