Working days, there is a risk of losing them or not. And get paid Rol's licenses not appreciated. And do not lose Bonus Renzi


Especially in the summer period the question of holidays not taken back to the center of the news. And of course, this can only be the case, given the fact that in all public and private offices, large internal maneuvers for the organization of rest periods are underway (for latecomers). But this is not the case for all workers because it is not so obvious that the one in July and August is considered the best time to go on vacation. Not only that, but there is also a larger or smaller slice of employees who never go on vacation. Whatever the reason, the days of absence in a year are counted on the fingers of one hand. So what if holidays and permits are not appreciated? Is there a risk that they will be lost? And is it possible to monetize them?

Holidays are not appreciated, what happens

The decision to introduce holidays into the Italian work system is based on the consideration of how it is an inalienable right. This means that you can not give it up or turn it into money. However, in some cases they can be monetized, especially by employees hired for a fixed term. The most typical case of employee pay is one where the vacation period is very close to the expiration of a contract as for the season for a specific period and for which it is not always easy to have a vacation at the end of the work experience. Thus the liquidation is triggered

Two consecutive weeks

Secondly, the rules in force provide that the holidays must be played for two consecutive weeks during the year of maturation. And since, in principle, the period of rest granted is four weeks during the year, the residual leave, to operate even a single day after communication to the employer, can be used within 18 months following. Everything is written in the payslips, including the accumulated leave from month to month. And what happens in the case of unpaid Rol (Work Time Reduction) permits paid into the payroll: if the worker wants them to enjoy and not paid.

The concept is simple: if the worker does not use it June of the following year, the employer must pay the unused permits with the June wage. And those that are not used in the year in which they are accumulated will lapse, but may be used until the June 30th expiry date of the following year. Penalties for employers who do not comply with regulations on time, vacation and rest.

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