World Cup, Putin's compliments to his – Football


(ANSA) – MOSCOW, JULY 02 – Russian President Vladimir Putin
congratulated the national team for the
victory against Spain in the round of the World Cup. He said it
Dmitry Peskov, spokesman of the Kremlin, quoted by Interfax
"What matters in sport is the results
winning result for our national team, "said Putin
a phone call to the Russian coach Cherchesov. The president is
complimented with the technician for the tactics used during the
match and wished him good luck in the next phase
of the tournament. Putin could not personally attend the
yesterday's match but, according to Peskov, "the diary filled with commitments
of the president did not stop him from rejoicing in the victory
with the whole country "." Like the whole country – added the
Spokesman – Putin watched the game from start to finish
and supported for ours. "


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