Xylella, Zullo (NcI): "Querelare Grillo is wrong"


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The president of the Italian-Noi Direzione Italia group with Italy, Ignazio Zullo, proposes another strategy to react to "minimalist" statements of Beppe Grillo (M5S ) related to the plague of Xylella fastidiosa, which attacked the olive trees of Salento first and Apulia later.

  beppe grillo xilella andriukaitis 1035109 "src =" http://www.affaritaliani.it/static/upl2018_restyle/bepp/beppe-grillo-xilella-andriukaitis-1035109.jpg "style =" Width: 300px; "Despite the most egregious crimes and slanders that have been addressed in the political context, I have never wanted to talk to a judge - Zullo says - </strong> but I have always focused on a strategy of reflection and today more than ever it is necessary to make people think about the damage <strong> populism that takes place in the medium and long term </strong> In the short term, those who speak in the belly the people gather an endless consensus, but practice a destructive policy whose harmful fruits are, in fact, collected in the medium-long term. "</p>
<div clbad=  zullo ignazio3" src = "http: // www .affaritaliani.it / static / upl2014 / zull / zullo_ignazio3.jpg "style =" width: 300px; height: 111px; "We do not need any complaints or need to speak against the populists - confirms Ignazio Zullo - </strong> is useful in the place of responsible and far-sighted politicians, regardless of the ideological political position in which we recognize to put in <strong> a "strategy of reflection" </strong> capable of encouraging citizens to reflect on absurdities or absurdities that are seductive, but illusory, even harmful for the future of our Apulia or Italy. <strong> material there is also much, not only xylella but also Ilva (between work and environment-health), work and competitiveness, income from citizenship and dignity of work </strong> flat tax in relation to the sustainability of public services , closing of ports without international alliance, closures Sunday in trade, Europe and euro and risk of exit. "</p>
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  ulivi grillo

" It is necessary to be present with the encouraging participation of reflection – Zullo adds and emphasizes – with phrases like: if you close all the ports this is as if you were closing your house because you hope others will open it, the migrants to which door will they continue to knock? Still in Italy, certainly not in other countries … So we need more dialogue and charismatic strength to make the emigration problem not only European but global. "

  ulivi xyl" src = "http://www.affaritaliani.it/static/upl2018_restyle/uliv/ulivi-xyl.jpg" style = "width: 193px; height: 144px;" title = "ulivi xyl" /> </p>
<p><strong> "Work" You can reform it as much as you want – he continues – but if you do not make Italian companies competitive </strong> in the global market, unemployment will increase because companies will shoot. And so on.Let people think about Grillo's absurdity rather than having a court discussion in three or four years. "</p>
<p><strong>" Who's on the strategy side of thinking? It's a tough trip </strong> full of obstacles but it's nice to be in tough business.What sense does it have to have in simple things by joining populism? <strong> I begin: in September – concludes Zullo – in my Cbadano Murge </strong> I organize a meeting, they serve allies. , Advance! "</p>
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The regional adviser to right, Sergio Blasi, also spoke on the subject. "I signed the council's petition to request the denunciation of Beppe Grillo because of his statements on the xylella which, according to him, would be a gigantic hoax made by the art of left and right , with the invaluable support of professional badociations, available scientists and multinationals in agriculture. " I did it because it is no longer possible to tolerate incendiary and unconscious attacks – today anti-scientist and deniers, tomorrow perhaps undemocratic and technodéliranti – of which, without any official responsibility, but enjoying a high visibility and a very strong media visibility, it allows to pollute with false news and unfounded accusations a debate from which pbades the present and the future of a whole community. "

  M5S Puglia" height = "170" src = "http: / / www.affaritaliani.it /static/upl2016/m5s-/m5s-puglia4.jpg "title =" M5S Puglia "width =" 234 "/> </p>
<p><strong>" We are living a cynical and dangerously antilogical season – adds Blasi – where he continues to seek consensus. from the need to create chaos, </strong> and pose as an antidote: a perverse and dangerous game that I do not hear personally accept … With the Xylella Puglia walking along a very fine thread below which there is the precipice. <strong> Yet Grillo, the Billionaire Grillo (who earns false news), as well as the guarantor of the 5-Star Movement </strong> comfortably sitting on the couch at home, letting us know that at best we did not understand anything at worst we are complicit in & # 39; Xylella imbroglio "</p>
<p><strong>" And yet, the most comical of all – concludes Sergio Blasi – does not come out of his mouth, </strong> but the attitude of the regional councilors <strong> M5s </strong> who claim do not know who Grillo is and what is Xylella. <strong> More than cynical stars, we play the three cards </strong> "</p>
<p><strong> A </strong> </p>
<div clbad=  Marble sciancalepore" height = "148" src = "http://www.affaritaliani.it/ static / upl2014 / marm / marmo_sciancalepore5.jpg "title =" Marble sciancalepore "width =" 205 "/> </strong></div>
<p><strong>  the comment of Nino Marmo, president of the consulting group of Forza Italia, is even harder:" The words of Beppe Grillo on the Xylella reveals all the ignorance of the founder of the 5-Star Movement </strong> Now that his party is in government, it would take more serious to tackle a problem that afflicts Puglia, instead of To cleverly publish fake news while he is comfortably seated in the living room of his palace in Liguria, the millionaire comedian should come to Puglia to realize from his eyes what we are living. <strong> J & # 39; wait for the president of the council count and the 5 stars </strong> who occupy The positions of the government a clear grip away from the dangerous Fandonie di Grillo. It's time to create hoaxes whose sole purpose is to deceive citizens simply because they are not able to understand and solve a problem. "</p>
<p>  (gelormini@affaritaliani.it) </p>
<p>  —— ——————— </p>
<p>  Previous publication: Xylella, storm of reactions to the phrases of & # 39; Talking Cricket & # 39; </p>
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