"You can not close the ports"


In his struggle to leave ports open to NGO ships that rescue migrants, House Speaker Roberto Fico finds an unexpected ally: the commander Gregorio De Falco Senator a Cinque Stelle and already known in the news to be the man who during the dramatic hours of the Costa Concordia wreck perpetually ordered Captain Francesco Schettino to come back on board the ship and coordinate the rescue operations .

Palazzo Madama in the ranks of grillini does not give up his own on a subject that, for obvious reasons, can not fail to worry: the rescue of shipwrecked at sea

"There is a difference between migration and sinking – explains De Falco – The first is bureaucracy, the second involves humanitarian aid, the ports can not be closed, the problem is the life of these people. "

" Now we have to understand if in Libya a are able to autonomously manage and coordinate sea operations better than NGOs and the Coast Guard. Movimento should not leave the field open, "he continues

Responsibility for the decision to close the ports is disputed between the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini and that of the Infrastrutture Danilo Toninelli, M5 And despite the fact that both have been on the same line in the last few hours there has been some friction between the two ministries: from the party scene in Pontida to itself this prerogative, but from the pentastellato colleague a denial has come to a sharp turn and now the De Falco's statements are likely to further widen the furrow that already exists between the leagues and the stars.

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