zero tariff on industrial products "-


NEW YORK. Commercial escalation between the United States and the European Union is avoided. "It's a beautiful day," said US President Donald Trump and the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker in the Rose Garden of the White House. Asserting that from now on we will work together to find new agreements: "The goal is zero tariff, zero trade barriers, zero subsidy on industrial goods that are not cars," says The Radiant Donald

Obviously from a good mood different from the one with which he had presented himself to the press a few hours ago. Loved for the "betrayal" of his former lawyer Michael Cohen who had given CNN the audio on payments to the former model Karen McDouglas. And annoyed by the reporters, who gave him the "stupid" of having imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum, last March, they asked him. "The negotiations are starting now but we know where we want to go." Yes, existing tariff plans will be suspended immediately

The steel and aluminum tariffs imposed at the beginning of the year have been revised. In return, the European Union pledges to buy more soybeans – to compensate for US losses caused by the tug of war with China – and more American liquefied natural gas. "I wanted to reach an agreement today and we have succeeded," said EU leader Juncker, who flew from Brussels to Brussels to soften the positions of EU leaders. a Trump more and more warrior (commercial) with the world.

announcement on the functions arrives at four o'clock in the afternoon, the Wall Street Stock Exchange already closed. But it was enough that the forced smiles and rituals of live television during photo shoot take over the markets even before the end of the meeting. The hope, more than the confirmation, of a stop of the escalation had therefore made the main indexes rise: that instead in the previous hours they were all negative.

Custom Duties u and u
Donald Trump
Jean Claude Juncker
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