Zimbabwe, closed ballot boxes for the first post-Mugabe elections: they voted five and a half million voters


Zimbabwe turns the page: closed ballot boxes for the first historic presidential election after Mugabe. A vow of the era that went off without problems, in a climate of substantial peace. Five and a half million voters voted while the results of the vote are expected. The country thus closes definitively a page of its history with the first elections after the former father-father Robert Mugabe, in power without interruption for 37 years was forced to leave in November by a coup de facto state. Electors had to choose between 23 candidates and 130 political groups, throughout the day before 19459003 [11] in front of international observers, readmitted to Zimbabwe after 16 years

Since dawn, long before the opening of the seats, long lines of people have waited their turn. But it is already controversial for delays and deformations lamented by the opposition in urban areas, traditionally just pro-opposition. The electoral commission confirmed the accuracy of the vote by the president Proscilla Chigumba who emphasized the right of all to "vote without fear". If none of the candidates exceeds 50%, the [8 septembre 2009] September 8th will go to the vote. The predictions of the previous day seem to favor, although on measure, Mnangagwa .

To play the game would actually two candidates: the former 75-year-old vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa and the challenger Nelson [19659004] Chamisa of 40 years.The first seeks the legitimization of the vote to restore the luster of wear Zanu-Pf (Mugabe party) and present themselves to international investors as a credible interlocutor. The second is a young pastor-advocate, leader of the [1945-19003] Movement for Democratic Change a new face of a country that, after decades of pilot votes and Bulgarian majorities, still wants to have his word to say in the polls. 19659002] The day before the vote, Mugabe did not give up and re-entered the scene, with a surprise press conference he gave his blessing to the future president: "Whoever wins, we wish him good luck and accept the result "he told reporters Sunday, stating that he would not vote" for those who took power illegally ". Mugabe announced that he would not vote for his successor Mnangagwa, known to all as " crocodile ". "For the first time we now have a long list of aspirants to power" but "I can not vote for who mired me … I will make my choice among the other candidates, "said his residence at Harare . The eldest chief was forced to leave power last November after a coup d'etat who handed the presidency over to his former right-hand man . resigned to avoid a bloodbath and to avoid a conflict between the army and the population, "Mugabe explained at the first press conference since his resignation." Whoever wins, we wish him good chance … and we will accept the result "added the former president, then he said," I will not vote for those who illegally seized power, I do not can not vote for Zanu-Pf. "Su Chamisa said rather:" It seems to me that is fine when he is elected, I wish him the best ".


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