Zuckerberg, Blunder on the Holocaust: "Facebook does not censor those who make mistakes, even if they deny the extermination"


Washington – Facebook defends the right of users to make mistakes even when it is to deny the Holocaust. Thus, in an interview with Recode, the patron of social media, Mark Zuckerberg argues the decision to authorize controversial content as long as it does not translate into actual physical damage or harm. attacks on individuals.

is committed to "reducing the distribution of this type of content" without censoring their page, said Zuckerberg, already in the crosshairs of interference in election campaigns across its platform and for the Cambridge Analytica scandal that has violated millions of profiles without consent for users

Facebook "has a moral and ethical obligation" not to disseminate ideas about denial of the Holocaust, thundered the Anti-Defamation League, a non-governmental international Jewish organization based in the United States.
"Denial of the Holocaust is deeply offensive" but "I do not think it should be censored," insisted Zuckerberg, forced to clarify his statements. "I do not intend to fully defend the intent of those who deny the Holocaust – he explained – our goal on the false news is not about the fact. to prevent someone from saying something wrong but to prevent false news and misinformation from spreading "on the network

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