It's good to stop playing


Recently, it was discovered that Anthem caused the crash of some PS4 and maybe even stop working until repair. Red Dead OnlineThe latest and most important update has spoiled the game for many players and has not added enough content. Fallout 76 always seems to be in a constant state of work hardly.

Many players, even after all these problems and setbacks, continue to play even if the game makes them unhappy, angry or disappointed. People, it's time to stop playing. It's good to take a break.

I played something even after the game only upset or disappointed me. Years ago when GTA online first launched I poured hours in it. After a few days, my friends stop playing so much and end up completely. I did not do it. I stayed with that. I was hoping that the next update or fix would help fix everything.

"The heists arrive from one day to the next!" I say to myself. The months passed and finally I realized that I was not amused and that I had to leave.

Sometimes it's easy to fall into a pit where you keep playing because the game has a really fun basic experience or because you've paid for the special edition or maybe you just do not want to to lose. I remember taking a few days off GTA online and coming back to see the players triple my level already. I remember panicking. I had to catch up. But I did not do it. Being left behind is not a big problem, even if your brain does not agree.

It is also possible to feel guilty playing a game. I know someone who bought Artifact and plays even if they do not like the skin, there are not many players still active and Valve seems to have completely forgotten the game. Their reason? "I spent money on the game and the cards and I do not want to waste that money." I remember buying The division and grinding and grinding for days and weeks because I did not have a lot of money and every game was an investment for me. Most of the time, I did not really enjoy myself, especially when I was playing alone. Long after I should have, I finally stopped playing and I felt better.

Many games these days launch in different states of finish. It seems that almost every major game version has a track record. It can often seem that these roadmaps are plans for an improvement of the game. When it will finally be fun. Maybe even when it finally becomes good? Yet these roadmaps are also a good indication that it may be better to stop playing and wait.

My boss, Stephen Totillo, wrote an excellent article echoing an idea similar to this one last year. He waited a year to play Destiny 2 and ended up having a very good experience.

Except that I do not really mean to wait to play a game. I'm talking to you, the person who plays maybe something that does not click with you or frustrates you. You keep checking Reddit, watching development feeds, or appearing on game boards. You hope to find solutions to problems and you want to do more and better. Chances are these things will come, but do not suffer while you wait.

I spend a lot of time in the Red Dead Online community reading forum and Reddit messages. Many of these comments are now angry or negative, which is understandable. The game is not one where many fans want it. Even so, I can not help but be a little sad to read these comments. I really want a lot of these people to get out of the game. Come back in a few months or a year to see if things have improved.

Do not stop playing either. Completely disconnect. Stop thinking about it. Play something else, maybe a game in your order book. There is no reason to keep getting angry or angry about something you have almost no control over. I'm not saying that you do not leave comments or suggestions, but realize that if you spend more time hoping and talking about corrections on Reddit than playing the game, it may be time to get away from it.

Whatever the reason you continue to play this game that upsets you or makes you feel bad, it's probably time to stop and take a break. Play something else. You will probably feel better. Also, when you finally come back to this game, it may be worth playing.

It is important to remember that more and more games are becoming "live experiences". I like the idea of ​​a game that develops and gets updated over time, I do not feel that you need to stick with all this evolution.


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