"It's not Harvey Weinstein or R. Kelly"


Friday night, Real time Host Bill Maher did what was planned: he defended Joe Biden.

The HBO comedian, reacting to the multiple allegations that the former vice president would have made women feel uncomfortable with his groping and close contacts, shed light on their experiences.

"Biden is still on the run. Women are invited to walk the night two by two, I just want to clarify, "said Maher in his monologue. "No, he was outside. Have you seen Joe Biden today? He finally emerged. He was very close, oh so close, to say that he was about to run. But we still do not know that this is true. We know it's true that his hands have been part of an exploration committee for decades. "

And then, Maher defended the indefensible: "But you know, we're starting to be a little fussy. I mean, of course, no one likes to be hit untimely, and women get a lot more than men, but the first person who raised this question said that he had made her feel that she was "rude and uncomfortable". You know what makes me feel. rude and uncomfortable? A second term of Trump.


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