It’s not just you. Your pets are also gaining weight during the pandemic


Walk at the same pace? A sign of good training. Cuddle and watch TV together? Adorable.

Eat stress together because you are both at home all day due to a terrible pandemic? Less endearing – and potentially dangerous.

Vets Across the US Noting Higher Weight Gain and Higher Obesity Levels in pets since the start of the pandemic, said Dr Ernie Ward, veterinary nutrition therapist and founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.

“We’re seeing more and more reports from vets saying, ‘Look, we’re seeing more weight gain this year than we saw the year before,” “he told CNN. “(The pandemic) is the perfect storm.”

More snacks at home, less walking outside

The restrictions on movement, coupled with more snacks at home, likely lead to the animal’s weight gain and obesity, Ward said.

Simon McDevitt, a corgi from New York, is a living example of what more snacks and fewer walks can do for a dog’s health.

Her owner, Margaret McDevitt, told CNN that with more time at home, she tended to feed Simon from the couch.

Margaret McDevitt's corgi Simon in March 2020.

“He is the ultimate Smartfood popcorn lover,” she said. “With us home more, watching TV in the middle of the day … he sees the bag and he just goes begging.”

McDevitt said she noticed about two or three pounds increase since March 2020 – but the number is difficult to estimate due to the extra fluff it grows when its fur gets long.

Simon pictured in February 2021.

Living in a small apartment, McDevitt said it was difficult for Simon to get enough exercise.

“During Covid, his long walks definitely got shorter,” she says. “Wanting to limit exposure with other people on the street was one thing – but also, it was no longer pleasant. Being with so many people, having to wear a mask … it’s just a different experience.”

In pre-pandemic times, she said, it was easier for Simon to exercise at the dog park or other public space. But the pandemic has made those opportunities less secure, and now, with the colder weather, there are several barriers to getting enough physical activity.

You are stressed and your pets too

According to Ward, there is another factor that lies under the animal’s weight gain and obesity: stress.

“When you’re stressed or anxious, your brain secretes a whole cascade of neurochemicals that encourage you to eat,” he says.

And the animals are realizing it.

“Our pets tend to take on these emotional attributes because they’re very empathetic,” he said. “They are looking for emotional signals on us.”

McDevitt said Simon has been eating stress since the pandemic. After being fired from his job in March and spending more time at home, she noticed that he would eat his meals faster and beg for food more often.

McDevitt with his dog, Simon.

“He has a more difficult time when I leave the house,” she says. “He had separation anxiety at first, so after being so much at home, I started to notice that he was doing this as a coping mechanism.

She said she plans to bring Simon back to a healthy weight.

“Now that spring is coming, I plan to extend her walks again,” she said. “I just got a new job so I’m trying to give him a meal schedule for when I leave the house … now that I’m not that much at home he will definitely fire the (popcorn) . “

Keep the chonk under control

Pet owners should keep their pets’ weight under control, even though those extra plush toys can be cute, Ward said.

Obesity in pets can increase an animal’s risk for diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and cancer if ignored, he said.

It can also shorten the life of an animal for more than two years. A 2019 study found that the lifespan of overweight dogs was, on average, up to two and a half years shorter than that of their canine peers at a healthy weight.

But Ward said illnesses related to being overweight are preventable.

“It’s like we have a crystal ball,” he said. “We know what’s going to happen to your 18-pound cat in the future.”

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For pet parents who want to control their pet’s weight, Ward said the first thing to do is assess the problem.

To check if their pet is overweight, owners can look at the animal’s side profile to see if its belly is lower. Or, they can watch their pet from above – if they have an airship or balloon look, he says, that’s a good indicator of being overweight.

Once pet owners figure out their pet’s weight, they may begin to rewire some of those negative quarantine habits, like being too sedentary or snacking excessively.

As always, taking animals to the vet is a sure way to understand the risk posed by an animal’s weight.

But Ward said that ultimately pet owners shouldn’t be looking for a number on a scale – they should be looking for quality of life.

Simon has come a long way since his rescue in 2014, McDevitt said. She worked hard to ease her anxiety and strengthen her ability to trust – and the two forged a remarkably close bond in the process.

“He’s my pandemic buddy,” she says. “We have to take care of each other.”


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