It’s summer and freezing food is easy. here’s how


By Susan Puckett, CNN

Whether you’re a home gardener, CSA, or regular at farmer’s markets, it’s easy to end up with more irresistibly immaculate, fresh-picked produce than your household can consume at its best ripened state.

Passionate home canners and fermentation enthusiasts are well equipped to handle this seasonal abundance. But for the rest of us, we can take comfort in knowing that there is a much faster and easier way. All we need is freezer space, sturdy containers and some basic know-how to maximize our bounty to the fullest.

It is true that some fruits and vegetables freeze better than others. The water particles expand as they turn into ice, breaking down the cell walls that give fruits and vegetables their structure and crunch. But that’s not necessarily a problem, depending on how you plan to use them. Even that extra half watermelon that you couldn’t finish eating can be cut, frozen, and later mashed in a gazpacho or smoothie.

On the flip side, dense frozen vegetables like carrots, green beans, or corn can be virtually indistinguishable from fresh when added to. a soup or a stew.

Here are some tips to help you bring a fresh summer flavor to your meals all year round.

Choose high quality products at their peak. Make sure it is free from bruises and soft spots. The fruits should be ripe but still firm, and the vegetables tender and young. Don’t wait until the product is about to spoil before freezing it, and don’t expect it to continue to ripen once thawed. To retain the freshest flavor and maximum nutrients, freeze your produce as soon as possible after harvest or at maximum maturity for fruit, and immediately after preparation. Rinse and drain the products well, without letting them soak, and dry them before continuing.

Freeze products as quickly as possible. The faster it freezes, the more you’ll retain its natural texture and flavor. Make sure your freezer is set to zero degrees Fahrenheit (-17.78 degrees Celsius) or cooler and think about the space you need to work with. Overloading the freezer could raise the temperature, so before you start, throw out those unidentifiable ice drops with no chance of being eaten.

When and how to bleach. Most vegetables benefit from a quick dip in boiling water, followed by a dip in an ice-water bath to stop cooking. Bleaching slows down enzymes that degrade texture, flavor, color, and nutrients. It also peels off the skin of whole tomatoes and peaches so they are easier to peel. (Cut an X at the bottom of each first.) Bleach times vary depending on product size and density, and getting it right is important. The University of Minnesota extension has a handy vegetable chart to set your timer accordingly.

How to keep colors vibrant without heat. Many fruits can be frozen raw. But some, like peaches, apples, and pears, tend to turn brown after being sliced ​​when exposed to air. Throwing them in a little lemon juice or ascorbic acid (like Fruit-Fresh) keeps the colors bright.

Add a little sweetness. Although not essential, sugar can help fruits retain their texture and flavor for an extended time in the freezer. Add the fruit to the container in layers, sprinkling a little sugar between each layer, and let sit for about 15 minutes before sealing. Or cover with a sugar syrup.

Use your cookie sheets. Placing small whole berries, cubed or sliced ​​fruit, or blanched vegetables in a single layer on a parchment-lined cookie sheet is a great way to speed up the freezing process, while also preserving and shaping them. preventing clumping. If you have more than one cookie sheet to fill, place another sheet of parchment over the products and stack them. Once frozen solid, remove them with a spatula and transfer them to freezer bags or airtight containers.

Portion control. Measure portions according to how you plan to use them (as part of a specific recipe such as a pie filling or as an individual or family side dish). Keep in mind that the larger the portion, the longer it will take to defrost and cook.

Freeze herbs. Fresh herbs on the stalk – or just the leaves – can be spread out on a cookie sheet and frozen before being packaged in freezer bags. You can also wrap the leaves in ice cube trays and cover with water or olive oil. Once frozen, wrap the cubes in freezer bags and remove only what you need. Or mix the herbs with the pesto and freeze in the same way.

Proper packaging is essential. Exposure to air is the enemy of frozen foods. The sturdy zippered freezer bags specially formulated to prevent freezer burn do a great job and are convenient and space-saving. Vacuum sealers that remove air before pouches are sealed are great if you have one. Otherwise, you can go low-tech by placing a straw in a corner and sucking in the air before sealing. Or just press the air with your hands. Rigid plastic containers with airtight lids or glass jars approved for freezing also work well. Fill the containers almost to the top, leaving about half an inch of free space for expansion, but avoiding excessive air space. Packing too tightly in glass containers could break them.

Label your packages. Write clearly with a Sharpie the name of the item, the quantity of the contents and the date it was packaged.

To thaw or not to thaw?

It is generally best not to thaw fruits or vegetables before using them in most recipes. It is best to let them thaw while cooking. They’ll be less likely to overcook and turn into mush, especially in soup or stew. Vegetables can also go straight from the freezer to the microwave – no additional liquids are needed. There are exceptions, such as spinach which must be thoroughly drained before being mixed with a dip. Berries and other fruits should also be left in the freezer until ready to use. Lightly coat fruit in flour before adding to muffin or cake doughs to prevent them from running. Add a little extra thickener to a pie filling to keep it from running. And consider increasing the cooking time by about 5 minutes.

Even simpler: mix a handful of frozen berries or sliced ​​fruit in a bowl, add a spoonful of Greek yogurt and top with a drizzle of honey and a pinch of walnuts. It’s a refreshing and healthy way to start your day with a taste of summer, whatever the season.

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Susan Puckett is the former food editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the author of “Eat Drink Delta: A Hungry Traveler’s Journey Through the Soul of the South”.


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